
2024-10-04 - FOCUS GX-850 (ATX 3)

La Focus GX-850 Gold saura satisfaire les utilisateurs les plus exigeants. Avec une puissance de 850 W et une certification 80 Gold, elle est parfaitement adaptée pour alimenter des configurations puissantes. Lajout de la norme ATX 3.1 constitue un atout de taille, en particulier pour les possesseurs de cartes graphiques...

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2024-10-02 - FOCUS GX-1000 (ATX 3)

Asadar, Seasonic FOCUS GX-1000 ATX 3.1 (2024) se pozitioneaza ca una dintre cele mai solide alegeri din segmentul surselor de alimentare de 1000W, fiind potrivita pentru utilizatorii care isi doresc un echilibru perfect intre performanta, eficienta si fiabilitate. Daca sunteti in cautarea unei surse puternice, silentioase si eficiente, modelul din...

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2024-09-30 - FOCUS GX-1000 (ATX 3)

With the new range of Focus GX units for 2024 Seasonic have streamlined and enhanced the previous design from last year. This is a power supply that should be seriously considered if you have a high power PC and you have a budget around the 170-180 mark.

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2024-09-23 - FOCUS GX-1000 White (ATX 3)

Avec ce nouveau bloc, qui est compatible ATX 3.1 et PCIe Gen 5.1, Seasonic ne se trompe pas et nous propose un excellent modèle. Les tensions sont excellentes, les consommations sont maitrisées et le niveau sonore est des plus bas au repos et bas en charge. Nous avons un encembrement...

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2024-09-23 - PRIME PX-2200 ATX 3.1

Seasonic PRIME PX-2200 ATX 3.1 devine un punct de referinta in segmentul surselor de alimentare cu putere ridicata, oferind performante de top, precum si o rezerva de putere impresionanta. Cu o eficienta certificata 80PLUS Platinum, deseori depasita, PX-2200 ofera o stabilitate remarcabila a tensiunilor si demonstreaza ca este construita pentru...

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2024-09-19 - FOCUS GX-850 White (ATX 3)

Cette Seasonic Focus GX-850 (2024) a de jolis arguments pour les utilisateurs exigeants. Garantie 10 ans, elle promet de la fiabilité et de la robustesse. Sa certification ATX 3.1 et PCIe 5.1 la rend prête pour les futures générations de matériel, tandis que son design compact et modulaire assure une...

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2024-09-17 - VERTEX GX-1200

The Seasonic Vertex GX-1200 is a high-quality, reliable PSU that handles demanding systems with ease. Its fully modular, efficient, and operates quietly with a hybrid fan mode, making it a great choice for anyone looking to power a modern setup. The PSU is well-built with top-tier Japanese components, and the...

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2024-08-18 - VERTEX GX-1000 Sakura Edition

Design on the other hand (or more accurately color theme) can always get better and so the SAKURA limited edition is the ideal model for white builds, especially if the owner/user happens to be a girl/woman. Seasonic has begun to introduce such limited models in the market lately and well,...

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2024-08-09 - VERTEX PX-1200 Dragon Edition

Un très beau et très bon produit, ultra exclusif, comme on aime.

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2024-07-22 - VERTEX PX-1200 Dragon Edition

而且对于消费者而言,海韵Vertex PX-1200青龙电源的官方定价仅为2099元,提供有12年质保。无疑在价格方面这款电源并不亲民,不过海韵在这款电源上做出了顶尖的ATX 3项目性能,而且配备了个性十足且充满国风韵味外观设计。如果你希望为自己的高端平台搭配一款性能外观皆优异的电源产品,那么这款海韵Vertex PX-1200青龙或许是目前最适合你的选择。

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2024-07-17 - VERTEX PX-1000

On the other hand, the PSU’s average noise output is among the lowest in this category, so if you want something with high enough performance and silent operation and you can afford its high price, the PX-1200 fits the bill.

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2024-07-16 - VERTEX GX-1000 Sakura Edition

Le Vertex GX-1000 était un très bon bloc et cette version Sakura Edition ne peut pas moins bien faire. Elle est même meilleure, car elle propose un connecteur 12V-2x6, alors que la Vertex classique était en 12VHPWR. Les finitions de cette version presque Custom sont au top et les détails...

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2024-07-16 - VERTEX PX-1000

In general, the build quality is good, and the PSU meets all ATX v3.0 requirements.

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2024-07-09 - FOCUS GX-1000 (ATX 3)

Video review

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Linus Media Group

2024-06-14 - VERTEX PX-750

We recommend the Vertex PX-750 as it is a very good and reliable choice, meeting and exceeding expectations for its price point. It is efficient, performs well, and comes with necessary protections.

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2024-05-29 - PRIME TX-1600 ATX 3.0

综上所述海韵 PRIME TX-1600 ATX 3 至尊旗舰钛金和海盗船 AX1600i 在绝大多数性能项目中的表现地旗鼓相当但在电压稳定性和输出功率方面海韵 PRIME TX-1600 ATX 3 至尊旗舰钛金更胜一筹同样可以获得终极传奇肌肉的评价

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2024-05-23 - VERTEX PX-1200

Unser Testmuster punktet mit einer erstklassigen Technik, hochwertigen Bauteilen und einer modernen DC-DC-Technologie (inkl. ATX 3.0).

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2024-05-15 - VERTEX GX-1000 Sakura Edition

If you have a system that uses around 500-600 Watts of power under load, this makes a great choice, especially if you want low noise operation. In our UK climate, the fan didnt spin up very often under 550w real world loads, ensuring a pleasant gaming experience.

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2024-05-06 - FOCUS GX-1000 ATX 3.0

Das Seasonic FOCUS GX-1000 ATX 3.0 hat uns im Verlauf des Tests nicht enttäuscht. Es bietet ein sehr gutes Gesamtpaket und eignet sich hervorragend für den Einsatz in leistungsstarken Systemen. Die nun auf ATX 3.0 aktualisierte Version bringt gegenüber dem Vorgängermodell neben dem nativen 12VHPWR-Stecker und den Anpassungen an die...

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2024-04-30 - MagFlow 120 ARGB (3-Fan Kit)

La un pret de 350 lei Seasonic MagFlow ARGB 120mm vine cu unul dintre cele mai bune sisteme daisy-chain de pe piata, pale construite din LCP (Liquid Crystal Polymer), iluminare ARGB discreta precum si o garantie de 3 ani. Ca si puncte slabe pot sa mentionez performanta la turatii reduse,...

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2024-04-23 - PRIME TX-1600 ATX 3.0

The SEASONIC PRIME TITANIUM TX-1600 is a great option for hardcore Seasonic fans, but you need to dig deep in your pocket, which is the biggest drawback. Still - thanks to its outstanding performance, it stands out in the market. We think this PSU that has ATX 3.0 compatibility deserves...

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2024-03-28 - MagFlow 120 ARGB (1-Fan Kit)

Seasonics Magflow ARGB 120mm is a high quality, durable fan that provides strong thermal dissipation paired with moderate maximum noise levels.

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The FPS Review

2024-03-06 - VERTEX GX-850

The Seasonic VERTEX GX-850 ATX 3.0 is an excellent 850W power supply. From a Build Quality that looks stunning to voltage regulation that is outstanding, efficiency that is better than promised, and DC Output Quality that is excellent this unit checks every box

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2024-02-28 - PRIME TX-1600 ATX 3.0

Theres no denying that the Seasonic Prime TX-1600 ATX 3.0 is a premium-class product.

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2024-02-07 - MagFlow 120 ARGB (3-Fan Kit)

Auch wenn sich die technischen Daten leicht von den Non-A-RGB-Modellen unterscheiden, wissen auch die bunt leuchtenden MagFlow-Lüfter (sehr) zu gefallen. Der neue 120-mm-Fan ist zwar kein Schnäppchen, doch dafür bekommt man einiges für sein Geld geboten.

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2024-02-06 - MagFlow 120 ARGB (3-Fan Kit)

The MagFlow ARGB 120 mm fan is really good for a lot of people, especially those who have been jaded after seeing fans adopt the RGB pathway to life and straying away from pure performance at lower noise levels.

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Comptoir du Hardware

2024-01-17 - MagFlow 120 ARGB (3-Fan Kit)

À lusage, le MagFlow est plutôt discret, équivalent au NF-A12x25 de Noctua à pleine vitesse. Laugmentation du bruit est dailleurs moins nette entre 75 et 100 du signal PWM. Sa place est dans un boîtier, cest ce à quoi le destine son créateur. Les performances en refroidissement sont globalement bonnes,...

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HW Cooling

2024-01-10 - MagFlow 120 ARGB (3-Fan Kit)

If we focus solely on lighted fans, the MagFlow ARGB is one of the most efficient models. This means that it excels in great airflow per unit of noise.

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2024-01-10 - MagFlow 120 ARGB (3-Fan Kit)

Seasonics MagFlow-Lüfter überzeugen vor allem mit der besonders nutzerfreundlichen, magnetischen Kopplung. Der MagFlow 120 ARGB schwächelt allerdings etwas bei der Kühlleistung. Sein unbeleuchtetes Geschwistermodell MagFlow 1225 PWM kann hingegen gerade als Gehäuselüfter mit guter Performance punkten. Dieses Modell verdient sich dann letztlich vor allem auch wegen der praktischen Magnetverbindung einen...

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2024-01-10 - Seasonic MagFlow 1225 PWM (3-Fan Kit)

Seasonics MagFlow-Lüfter überzeugen vor allem mit der besonders nutzerfreundlichen, magnetischen Kopplung. Der MagFlow 120 ARGB schwächelt allerdings etwas bei der Kühlleistung. Sein unbeleuchtetes Geschwistermodell MagFlow 1225 PWM kann hingegen gerade als Gehäuselüfter mit guter Performance punkten. Dieses Modell verdient sich dann letztlich vor allem auch wegen der praktischen Magnetverbindung einen...

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2024-01-09 - MagFlow 120 ARGB (3-Fan Kit)

Quick unboxing video and more complete overview video of Seasonic MagFlow 120 ARGB by PC Crazy

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2024-01-06 - MagFlow 120 ARGB (3-Fan Kit)

Les MagFlow 120 ARBG sont de très bons ventilateurs pleins dinnovations En effet, le montage dans une configuration na jamais était aussi simple grâce au chainage sans fil, mais en connexion directe. Les possibilités de montage sont aussi multiples via un bundle de câbles bien fourni ainsi quavec le contrôleur...

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2024-01-05 - PRIME TX-1300 ATX 3.0

The Seasonic TX-1300 ATX 3.0 is a super expensive and top-performing PSU, featuring equally high build quality and an extra-long warranty period, reaching twelve years, supporting it.

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2023-12-25 - FOCUS GX-1000 ATX 3.0

Seasonic FOCUS GX-1000 ATX 3.0 se gaseste deja in magazinele din tara noastra la un pret de aproximativ 1000 lei, cu 100 lei mai putin decat VERTEX GX-1000. Daca cei 2 ani in plus la garantie, un ripple mai redus si o eficienta marginal mai ridicata merita acesta diferenta este...

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2023-12-21 - MagFlow 120 ARGB (3-Fan Kit)

Seasonic propose avec ce MagFlow aRGB 120 mm une solution élégante et efficace pour monter en série plusieurs ventilateurs dans un boitier ou un radiateur. La connexion magnétique assure une fixation efficace et labsence de câblage entre les ventilateurs simplifie le montage et le rangement. Le visuel gagne également en...

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2023-12-20 - MagFlow 120 ARGB (3-Fan Kit)

El rendimiento es bueno, decente, la calidad de fabricación elevada, y cuenta con este interesante diseño de conectividad que nos sorprendió la primera vez que lo probamos pero que ahora nos sorprende aún más porque es inteligente y sencillo y ha permitido a Seasonic evolucionarlo y añadir ARGB sin mucho...

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2023-12-17 - FOCUS GX-850 ATX 3.0

Seasonic doesnt need any introductions, their power supply units have been top notch for pretty much as far back as I can remember and well, so has their reputation. So, I had no doubt in my mind that the FOCUS GX-850 would live up to my expectations and yes, it...

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2023-12-07 - PRIME TX-1600 ATX 3.0

Au final, Seasonic propose avec cette Prime TX-1600 ATX 3.0 un bloc surpuissant pour des configurations haut de gamme à très fortes gourmandises énergétiques. La présence du label 80 Plus Titanium garantit un rendement élevé et peu de gaspillage énergétique. La consommation et lempreinte carbone de fonctionnement sont au plus...

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The FPS Review

2023-12-06 - PRIME PX-1600 ATX 3.0

The Seasonic PRIME PX-1600 ATX 3.0 1600W Platinum Power Supply is an outstanding high-end power supply. From its excellent Build Quality, Voltage Regulation, Efficiency, DC Output Quality, and even its noise profile the PRIME PX-1600 ATX 3.0 hits every single mark on the stage today. There are no objective areas...

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2023-11-29 - FOCUS GX-850 ATX 3.0

Ultimately, the Seasonic Focus GX-850 ATX 3.0 is a formidable contender for those seeking a blend of quality, performance, and reliability, albeit at a premium price.

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Ghidul IT

2023-11-21 - Seasonic MagFlow 1225 PWM (3-Fan Kit)

Nu sunt multe lucruri pe care le poti face sa imbunatatesti un ventilator, dar iata ca se mai gasesc cate unii sa chimbe jocul. Editia Seasonic inca este o implementare fericita si placut de privit.

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2023-10-30 - FOCUS GX-850 ATX 3.0

Seasonic nous fait du Seasonic... et quand on connait la réputation de la marque sur la qualité de ses alimentations, on se doute que la Focus GX-850 sera exempte de tout commentaire. Bien quelle reprenne en grande partie la gamme Vertex, la marque Taiwanaise nous propose avec la Focus GX-850...

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2023-10-30 - FOCUS GX-1000 ATX 3.0

Le modifiche apportate al PCB hanno permesso di ridurre ulteriormente gli ingombri e di usare uno chassis da appena 140mm (contro i 160 dei VERTEX) senza però rinunciare alla ventola da 135mm. Un alimentatore da 1000W così compatto potrebbe non stupire vista la presenza sul mercato di proposte SFX di...

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Noticias3D nFinite 9000 S.L.

2023-10-25 - FOCUS GX-1000 ATX 3.0

Tenemos componentes de mucha calidad con condensadores de 105º y 2.000h. La vida útil de 50.000h con el doble de tiempo entre fallos y su garantía de 10 años nos aseguran una gran longevidad y sus 6 protecciones siempre son un seguro de vida para nuestros componentes. La regulación de...

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2023-10-12 - FOCUS GX-1000 ATX 3.0

A 199 euros l'exemplaire, clairement, nous sommes face à un des meilleurs bloc ATX 3.0 du marché. Les tensions sont excellentes, les consommations sont ultra maitrisées, le silence de fonctionnement est indéniable, la garantie est de 10 ans et nous avons des câbles qui sont au petits oignons. On aime,...

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2023-10-09 - PRIME TX-1300 ATX 3.0

Avec la Prime TX 1300, Seasonic met tout le monde daccord. Ce bloc ATX à la norme 3.0 coche toutes les cases de ce quon peut attendre dun modèle très haut de gamme. La stabilité est exemplaire, le silence est dor. Et noublions pas le bundle, qui comporte notamment un...

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2023-10-09 - FOCUS GX-850 ATX 3.0

Las gamas Focus de Seasonic están lejos de las mejores fuentes de esta marca, son gamas medias accesibles por precio, pero también un buen ejemplo de lo que puede hacer una marca de renombre a la hora de ofrecer un producto más económico, pero donde los niveles de calidad se...

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Techgaming NL

2023-10-02 - Seasonic Arch Q503 with CONNECT DGC-650

Bovenal kan ik deze behuizing zeker aanraden, al helemaal aan de mensen die niet te groot willen en niet te moeilijk willen doen. Ik vond dit zeker een goede behuizing voor het inbouwen en ga deze in gebruik nemen voor mijn eigen pc. Kortom, voor het geld krijg je een...

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2023-10-02 - FOCUS GX-850 ATX 3.0

Cette Focus GX-850 ATX 3.0 est une alimentation conforme aux normes ATX 3.0 et PCIe 5.0. Elle fait partie dune gamme proposant des puissances de 750 à 1000 Watts.

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2023-09-22 - FOCUS GX-1000 ATX 3.0

One of the best 1000 watt 80 Plus Gold rated power supplies we have tested. It delivers quality power well in excess of 1000 watts without making too much noise. The internal design is top drawer and adopts high grade 105c rated Japanese capacitors to ensure long life and reliability...

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2023-09-20 - PRIME TX-1600 ATX 3.0

Besser geht es kaum: Für sehr happige 515 Euro liefert Hersteller Seasonic mit dem Prime TX-1600 ATX 3.0 ein sensationell gutes Netzteil für Enthusiasten und Performance-Anwender ab. Bei unserem Testmuster überzeugt die Technik in Form von hochwertigen Bauteilen und einer modernen DC-DC-Technologie. Ebenfalls mit von der Partie sind sämtliche Schutzschaltungen,...

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2023-09-18 - PRIME TX-1600 ATX 3.0

Se avete intenzione di assemblare una piattaforma senza compromessi in ambito gaming e non avete problemi di budget, il Seasonic PRIME TX-1600 ATX 3.0 è quanto di meglio possiate al momento acquistare.

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OC Inside

2023-09-12 - Seasonic MagFlow 1225 PWM (1-Fan Kit)

Herausragende Verarbeitung, gute Kühlleistung und viel weniger Kabelsalat, das bekommt man von Seasonic in Form der Seasonic MagFlow 1225 PWM Lüfter für ca. 32 Euro pro Stück, wobei wir klar das etwas günstigere Dreierpack bevorzugen.

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2023-09-09 - PRIME TX-1300 ATX 3.0

The PRIME TX-1300 Titanium by Seasonic was one of the best power supply units to ever arrive in the lab and so honestly the lack of ATX 3.0 compliance didnt matter much. Still adding ATX 3.0 compliance was the next obvious step by Seasonic

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2023-08-14 - PRIME TX-1600 ATX 3.0

Bon eh bien tout est absolument parfait avec cette PRIME TX-1600 ATX 3.0, qui sera capable de piloter deux RTX 4090 sans aucun problème. Des tensions au top, de la consommation maitrisée, un silence de fonctionnement de mort, des câbles modulaires aux petits oignons et une grosse garantie de 12...

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Noticias3D nFinite 9000 S.L.

2023-08-09 - PRIME PX-1600 ATX 3.0

Como cabe esperar de una fuente de 1600W, el precio no es barato. Ronda los 400 y no os vamos a negar que es un precio que a priori se nos antojaba un poco caro para una fuente con certificación 80 PLUS Platinum. Es un pensamiento que nos ha rondado...

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2023-08-08 - PRIME PX-1600 ATX 3.0

Con certificación 80 Plus Platinum, una potencia muy elevada de 1600W y plenamente compatible con ATX 3.0 este nuevo modelo de Seasonic se convierte en la mejor fuente que ha pasado por nuestras manos. No solo ofrece prestaciones de primer orden, acabados de gran calidad, un cableado muy elaborado y...

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2023-07-27 - PRIME PX-1600 ATX 3.0

Ca sa fiu complet sincer, Seasonic PRIME PX-1600 ATX 3.0 mi-a placut mai mult decat PRIME TX-1600 testata anul trecut, din mai multe puncte de vedere. Imbunatatirile aduse platformei pentru compatibilitatea cu standardul ATX 3.0 au avut ca rezultat un comportament extrem de apropiat de TX-1600, singurele diferente in favoarea...

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Hamza Tech

2023-07-19 - VERTEX GX-1200

Seasonic VERTEX GX-1200 كوحدة إمداد طاقة موثوقة وفعالة، مما يوفر طاقة كبيرة للأنظمة عالية الأداء مع الحفاظ على الاستقرار والكفاءة. بفضل جودة التصميم القوية، وأداء التبريد المتقدم، والكابلات المعيارية، وخصائص الأمان، فقد أثبتت أنها خيار يستحق المتحمسين واللاعبين والمحترفين الذين لا يطلبون سوى الأفضل لأنظمتهم.

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HW Cooling

2023-07-18 - Seasonic MagFlow 1225 PWM (3-Fan Kit)

“Good”, this being the first time. Actually, excellent to below average, depending on which part of the fan you focus on. With the rotor and the frame, Seasonic did a perfect job. At comparable speeds, similar airflow is achieved as the high-end Noctua NF-A12x25 PWM fan.

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2023-07-16 - PRIME PX-1600 ATX 3.0

Unboxing Seasonic PRIME PX-1600 ATX 3.0 by Kitguru

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2023-07-16 - PRIME TX-1600 ATX 3.0

The Seasonic Prime TX-1600 ATX 3.0 Titanium is without a doubt one of the best power supplies on the market. If you can afford it, you won't find anything better.

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Tech for Techs Group LTD

2023-07-12 - VERTEX GX-1000

Unboxing and introduction to Seasonic VERTEX GX-1000

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2023-07-04 - FOCUS SGX-750 (2021)

Nun fehlt nur noch ein umweltfreundlicher Energieversorger für das gesamte System. Obwohl es noch kein Solar-Netzteil gibt, bietet Seasonic mit dem SGX 750 Watt Netzteil eine effiziente und ausreichende Lösung. In Kombination mit Cablemod sorgt es zudem für eine optische Aufwertung des Gesamtbildes.

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2023-06-08 - VERTEX GX-1200

Als Fazit zum VERTEX GX-1200 lässt sich sagen, dass Seasonic hier für den Einstieg in ATX 3.0 und PCIe 5.0 ein gutes Netzteil entworfen hat. Es bietet mit 1.200 W eine hohe Leistungsfähigkeit und kann auch mit hochwertiger Technik sowie qualitativ guten Ausgangsspannungen punkten. Von der Effizienz her bietet es...

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2023-05-31 - VERTEX GX-1000

Das neue Seasonic Vertex GX-1000 vereint hochwertige Komponenten, einen leisen Lüfter mit semi-passivem Modus sowie eine ordentliche Gold-Effizienz in einem vergleichsweise kompakten Gehäuse. Es ermöglicht einen guten Einstieg in die ATX 3.0 Welt und bringt daher auch direkt einen nativen 12VHPWR-Stecker für die aktuelle Nvidia-Generation. Darüber hinaus gefallen uns die...

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2023-05-28 - Seasonic MagFlow 1225 PWM (1-Fan Kit)

Das Seasonic MagFlow Triple-Pack ist für 79,90€ im Preisvergleich gelistet. Dafür bekommt der Käufer drei hochwertig verarbeitete Lüfter. Trotz der eher schlichten Optik ohne RGB-Beleuchtung wird ein modernes Design geboten. Das Highlight der MagFlow Lüfter ist die wirklich durchdachte magnetische Daisy-Chain-Technik bei den Lüftern und den Anschlusskabeln. So wird zum...

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2023-05-25 - VERTEX GX-1200

Overall, the Seasonic Vertex GX-1200 is a solid but expensive choice. If Seasonic drops its price by close to 250 dollars, it will dramatically increase its performance per price ratio.

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2023-05-03 - PRIME PX-1600

Those planning to use 1000W BIOS on your RTX 4090 will be happy to know that the PX-1600 is the best-performing unit with a 200 transient load in this Wattage category.

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2023-04-24 - VERTEX GX-1000

The Seasonic Vertex GX-1000W retails at 199,99 239,00, which is rather steep, but you pay for the fantastic performance and the ATX 3.0 compatibility. The unit looks rather attractive and has compact dimensions (160x150x86 mm). Speaking of which, its a pity that you wont even see the PSU in most...

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2023-04-21 - VERTEX GX-1000

Den nye ATX 3.0 standard, sammen med PCIe 5.0, har betydet, at der er sket lidt på feltet for strømforsyninger. I mange tilfælde betyder det ikke, at man er direkte nødt til at udskifte sin strømforsyning. Hvis man alligevel skal ud og have en ny, kan det dog godt betale...

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2023-04-06 - Seasonic MagFlow 1225 PWM (3-Fan Kit)

Die Seasonic MagFlow 1225 PWM sind die Neuen im Feld der Premium-Lüfter. Sie punkten mit besonderen Features und einer sehr hohen Verarbeitungsqualität. Auch leistungsmäßig reihen sie sich gut in das Feld der Premium-Lüfter ein, wobei sie keine besonderen Schwächen oder Stärken zeigen.

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2023-03-27 - Seasonic MagFlow 1225 PWM (3-Fan Kit)

The Seasonic MagFlow 120mm is the first fan from this brand, aiming at the high-end market. Indeed, its airflow is high enough, and the same goes for static pressure, while power consumption is low. Keeping the trend of its PSUs, Seasonic released an efficient fan that achieves good performance without...

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2023-03-16 - PRIME TX-1000

In conclusion, the Seasonic Prime TX-1000 is an exceptional power supply not only thanks to its performance, but to its low noise output and long warranty period. The build quality is great both internally and the outer casing.

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Techgaming NL

2023-03-14 - VERTEX GX-1000

Als een-na-laatste is een bekende fabrikant aan de beurt en dat betreft Seasonic met haar Vertex GX-1000. Deze ATX 3.0-voeding komt met een 80 PLUS Gold-certificering en is voor 230,- euro te vinden bij onze webshoppartner Megekko. Daarmee is het niet de goedkoopste 1000W-uiting op de markt, maar van kwaliteit...

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2023-03-13 - VERTEX GX-1200

Mit dem neuen Vertex GX-1200 liefert Hersteller Seasonic -erneut- richtig ab. Das erste, 100%ige, ATX 3.0 Netzteil weiß auf der ganzen Linie zu überzeugen - auch wenn der Preis von knapp 280 Euro kein Schnäppchen ist. Für sein hart verdientes Geld gibt es nicht nur 1.200 Watt Gesamtleistung und den...

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2023-03-08 - VERTEX GX-1200

KitGuru says: The Vertex GX-1200 is a fantastic power supply able to sustain high levels of power under the most demanding of environments. The fully modular design, low noise levels, and high levels of efficiency, along with very tight load regulation and controlled ripple suppression ensure this should be right...

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2023-03-02 - VERTEX GX-850

Cette Vertex GX 850 Gold saura satisfaire les plus exigeants d'entre-nous. Avec une puissance de 850 W, une certificat 80+ Gold, elle sera capable de mettre le jus dans votre configuration. De plus, l'ajout de la norme ATX 3.0, sera un réel atout pour les possesseurs de carte graphique de...

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Noticias3D nFinite 9000 S.L.

2023-02-26 - VERTEX GX-850

Estamos ante un modelo perfectamente capaz de manejar hardware tope de gama, completamente modular, con un diseño muy cuidado que emplea componentes de alta gama y conexiones muy limpias y directas a nivel interno para un cableado cómodo de gestionar. A todo esto se suma un nivel de ruido ridículamente...

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2023-02-25 - VERTEX GX-1000

Seasonic is one of those few companies that have never let me down and their latest VERTEX GX-1000 power supply unit is no exception. Performance is really impressive with probably the tightest rails Ive seen in a long time.

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2023-02-14 - Seasonic Arch Q503 with CONNECT DGC-750

Video review of Seasonic ARCH Q503 with DGC-750 by Techtester English

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2023-01-31 - VERTEX GX-1000

Desi este amplasata intre seriile Focus si Prime, nou lansata serie Vertex a celor de la Seasonic ne lasa impresia, atat in ceea ce priveste calitatea constructiei, cat si dupa comportamentul din teste, ca avem de-a face cu o sursa cu adevarat high-end.

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2023-01-31 - VERTEX GX-1000

La primera fuente de alimentación de Seasonic con estándar ATX 3.0 es digna de todo un legado de una marca que lleva fabricando fuentes de alimentación desde hace ya casi 50 años y que, en lo que respecta al mercado de fuentes de alimentación para equipos domésticos, es todo un...

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2023-01-27 - Seasonic MagFlow 1225 PWM (3-Fan Kit)

Mit der MagFlow-Serie ist Seasonic ein starkes Debüt im Lüfter-Markt gelungen. Zunächst einmal sorgt die schlichte und moderne Optik für einen ansehnlichen Look. Der Verzicht auf eine Beleuchtung ist dabei eine erfrischende Abwechslung in einem Markt voller beleuchteter Modelle. Allgemein lassen sich die Lüfter wunderbar in bestehende (Silent-) Systeme integrieren.

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2023-01-26 - Seasonic MagFlow 1225 PWM (3-Fan Kit)

Die neuen Lüfter von Seasonic konnten uns auf Anhieb überzeugen. Der 120-mm-Fan ist zwar kein Schnäppchen, doch dafür bekommt man einiges für sein Geld geboten. Da wären zum Beispiel die hochwertige Verarbeitungsqualität, hohe Langlebigkeit und ordentliche (Kühl)Leistung.

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2023-01-26 - VERTEX GX-1000

A 239 euros lexemplaire, on pourrait se dire que SEASONIC pousse le bouchon un peu loin, toutefois, notons que cette GX-1000 propose des excellentes prestations, des bonnes consommations et tensions, un ventilateur souvent inaudible et une grosse garantie. Déjà nous sommes pas mal, mais la marque ajoute aussi des câbles...

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2023-01-24 - Seasonic MagFlow 1225 PWM (3-Fan Kit)

Pour un premier jet, Seasonic nous surprend très agréablement. Le système magnétique est très bien pensé, les performances sont an rendez-vous et les ventilateurs sont qualitatifs au toucher et au regard.

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2023-01-23 - Seasonic MagFlow 1225 PWM (3-Fan Kit)

Pentru prima sa incercare pe o piata atat de competitiva si aglomerata, Seasonic ne-au surprins cu o solutie sobra, eleganta dar si performanta. MagFlow 120mm simplifica simtitor constructia unui sistem, oferind totodata flexibilitate prin intermediul cablului fan-to-fan inclus. Alaturi de modelele echivalente de la Corsair, Noctua sau be quiet, pot...

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Noticias3D nFinite 9000 S.L.

2023-01-20 - MagFlow 120 ARGB (3-Fan Kit)

Los Seasonic MagFlow 120 ARGB son unos ventiladores con una calidad de construcción excelente.

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2023-01-17 - PRIME TX-1300

The SEASONIC PRIME TITANIUM TX-1300 retails at 460 EUR, a steep price, but you need to remember that its a premium-level product designed for overclocking and gaming enthusiasts. The unit looks attractive (typically for the Prime series). Speaking of which, its a pity that you wont even see the PSU...

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2023-01-17 - Seasonic MagFlow 1225 PWM (3-Fan Kit)

Unboxing and Introduction video to Seasonic MagFlow by Cowcotland. French language.

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2023-01-14 - Seasonic MagFlow 1225 PWM (3-Fan Kit)

...les MagFlow de chez Seasonic nen reste pas moins de très bons ventilateurs car ils sont performants. La grosse innovation présente sur ce produit est le chainage magnétique. Ce système est très efficace et permet une mise en place simplifiée et aussi un câble management facile car il ny a...

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2022-12-15 - Seasonic MagFlow 1225 PWM (3-Fan Kit)

Ja, der Seasonic MagFlow 120 mm Gehäuselüfter ist als Erstlingswerk schon einmal eine echte Duftmarke. Die Physik kann er natürlich nicht neu erfinden, aber er ist frei von Humming, performt richtig gut (auch auf Radiatoren) und ist dabei im unteren Drehzahlbereich sogar richtig leise. Naja, und das Wichtigste kommt zum...

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Noticias3D nFinite 9000 S.L.

2022-12-12 - Seasonic MagFlow 1225 PWM (3-Fan Kit)

No cabe duda de que estamos ante unos ventiladores diseñados con mucho mimo. La calidad se puede ver en cada detalle, desde los materiales, pasando por el remate del mallado de los cables e incluso en la presentación de su empaquetado. Sin duda estos ventiladores serán la delicia para los...

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2022-12-12 - Seasonic MagFlow 1225 PWM (3-Fan Kit)

Su uso del magnetismo para su instalación en conjunto, reduciendo la necesidad de cables, sus buenos acabados y durabilidad e incluso su conectividad PWM también mediante conectores magnéticos los hacen únicos en el mercado y una opción muy interesante para darle un impulso a la ventilación de una caja o...

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2022-12-12 - Seasonic MagFlow 1225 PWM (3-Fan Kit)

Unboxing video with introduction and test results for Seasonic MagFlow fans. German language.

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2022-11-14 - PRIME TX-1600

Im Prinzip eine korrekte Zusammenfassung, denn es kann alle Qualitäten bieten, die auch die anderen bislang von uns getesteten Seasonic PRIME aufweisen konnten: Sehr stabile Ausgangsspannungen, minimale Ripple-Noisespannungen, angenehm leiser Betrieb, hochwertige Verarbeitung innen wie außen, sehr gute Ausstattung, lange Herstellergarantie und der Titanium-Klasse entsprechend eine sehr hohe Effizienz von...

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2022-11-07 - PRIME TX-1300

The PRIME TX series of power supply units by Seasonic may not be fully compatible with the new ATX v3.0 standard (at least not yet, next generation will be) but rail stability is nothing short of impressive. Noise levels are equally good, yes, my test rig was unable to surpass...

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2022-10-14 - PRIME TX-1600

Con la crescita dei consumi del più recente hardware di fascia alta, il ritorno con forza sulla scena degli alimentatori over kW era, con rammarico, inevitabile. La risposta di Seasonic alle mutate esigenze del mercato non si è fatta attendere troppo e, nel mese di settembre, sono stati presentati due...

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2022-10-13 - PRIME TX-1600

Knapp 500 Euro Straßenpreis sind selbst für ein High-End Netzteil kein Schnäppchen, doch Hersteller Seasonic liefert dafür auch ordentlich was ab. Das große Prime TX-1600 ist eine wahre MONSTER-PSU, die selbst durch die neue, sehr stromhungrige Next-Gen-Hardware nicht mal ansatzweise an ihr Limit gebracht wird. Wie gehabt überzeugt die Technik...

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2022-10-13 - Seasonic Arch Q503 with CONNECT DGC-750

Avec le Q503, Seasonic continue de déployer son concept de boitier équipé dune alimentation à lintégration poussée, cette fois sur un segment plus abordable que pour le Q704. Le boitier est bien plus conventionnel que son grand frère, mais des défauts de jeunesse ont été corrigés au passage. Adieu la...

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Comptoir du Hardware

2022-09-30 - Seasonic Arch Q503 with CONNECT DGC-650

Moins prétentieux côté design, plus compact et livré avec son module Connect, lArch nous apparaît plus convaincant que son grand frère. La marque ne se lance pas dans des délires rétroéclairés à outrance en choisissant la voie de la simplicité : look, agencement, montage, tout se passe bien dans ce...

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Ghidul IT

2022-09-29 - PRIME PX-1600

Prime PX-1600 este o sursa solida atat pe interior cat si pe exterior. Ofera un nivel de calitate care o pozitioneaza acolo sus langa Corsair si BeQuiet cu ale lor surse de 1500, respectiv 1600W. Noile cabluri individuale adauga putin de flare estetic pachetului. Cablurile Sursa sunt un combo de...

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2022-09-26 - Seasonic Arch Q503 with CONNECT DGC-750

Der schlichte Midi-Tower kann in der Praxis überzeugen und mit einer guten Verarbeitung, vielseitigen Installationsmöglichkeiten und viel Platz für große Hardware punkten. Dazu gibt es drei vorinstallierte PWM-Lüfter, die für eine solide Kühlleistung sorgen.

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2022-09-22 - Seasonic Arch Q503 with CONNECT DGC-750

Its time for the conclusion. Overall, the Seasonic ARCH Q503 is an excellent mid-tower chassis. Alongside their Connect PSUs, this seems a good step in the right direction. By running short cables from the Connect module to your motherboard, Seasonic has made a feature of the cables, and we can...

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2022-09-18 - Seasonic Arch Q503 with CONNECT DGC-750

As a standalone case the ARCH Q503 may not offer anything new (especially in terms of looks, although we dont see models with both side panels made out of tempered glass a lot) but combined with the PRIME CONNECT GOLD power supply units it certainly offers a far better degree...

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2022-09-01 - PRIME TX-1600

Seasonics flagship Prime Titanium unit can meet the mighty Corsair AX1600i eye-to-eye in terms of overall performance with 115V input. If they tune the PFC converter for higher PF with 230V, among some other changes, this will be feasible with 230V input, too. The TX-1600 shows that analog controllers still...

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2022-09-01 - PRIME TX-1600

There is no doubt that the Seasonic TX-1600 Titanium is another success story for the industrys leading power supply maker. This latest Titanium design produces some remarkable results, and the Micro Tolerance Load Regulation is class leading.

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2022-09-01 - PRIME TX-1600

Asta spune multe despre capabilitatile acestei surse, reusind sincer sa ma impresioneze, iar acest lucru nu este deloc usor. Pretul nu este mic, insa nici nu avea cum sa fie, pentru ca aceasta platforma este in lucru de ceva timp si este total diferita fata de ceea ce am vazut...

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2022-09-01 - PRIME TX-1600

Nous sommes donc encore une fois sur un excellent bloc, même si ce dernier nest pas ATX 3.0. Cependant, il propose quand même deux connecteurs Gen 5 et sera ready pour la Next Gen, et avec 1600 watts de puissance nous aurons de quoi voir venir. On apprécie fortement le...

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Toms Hardware

2022-09-01 - PRIME TX-1600

The Seasonic Prime TX-1600 deserves a place in our best PSUs article, as the second best option, behind the mighty Corsair AX1600i. The latter remains the performance king, but it doesnt have a PCIe 5.0 connector since at the time it was introduced, there werent 124 pin PCIe connectors. Seasonics...

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2022-09-01 - PRIME TX-1600

Mientras estas nuevas generaciones de fuentes llegan al mercado, y a nuestro laboratorio, la nueva Seasonic Prime TX-1600 es la fuente más capaz y potente que ha pasado por nuestras manos y le permite a Seasonic recobrar la corona en nuestro ranking particular de las mejores fuentes del mercado que...

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Noticias3D nFinite 9000 S.L.

2022-08-26 - Seasonic Arch Q503 with CONNECT DGC-650

La fuente Seasonic CONNECT de 750W podemos adquirirla a partir de 150. Por poco más de 100 ya tenemos fuentes de calidad con 10 años de garantía. No es económica pero, desde luego es única y, el combo que hace el modelo de 650W incluido en la ARCH Q503 es...

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2022-07-29 - PRIME TX-1000

Seasonics Prime platform still keeps the performance crown several years after its development. Given the new requirements of the ATX 3.0 specification, Seasonic will have to tune it and include 124 pin connectors, to make it compatible with the upcoming GPU generations. But thanks to its high performance and good...

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2022-07-01 - Seasonic Arch Q503 with CONNECT DGC-750

Auch das zweite Gehäuse von Seasonic konnte uns überzeugen. Die leicht abgespeckte Version des SYNCRO Q704 ist nicht nur günstiger, sondern bietet auch ähnlich viele positive Aspekte. Für den recht schlichten Tower sprechen die klasse Verarbeitungsqualität, das üppige Platzangebot, die hohe Kühlleistung und das moderne IO-Panel. Auch die vorhandenen Staubfilter...

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2022-06-28 - Seasonic Arch Q503 with CONNECT DGC-750

Seasonic Arch Q503 este o carcasa onesta, pozitionata intr-o gama inferioara de pret fata de fratele sau mai mare Synchro Q704. Din acest punct de vedere, gasesc interesanta utilizarea a doua panouri de sticla securizata cel mai probabil producatorul a vrut sa expuna si partea din spate, pentru a arata...

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2022-06-14 - Seasonic Arch Q503 with CONNECT DGC-650

Disons tout de suite, on reste clairement sous le charme de ce Q503 Connect. Cest tout simplement parfait, lalimentation est intégrée au mieux, et en plus nous sommes sur une base Seasonic, donc le silence et les performances sont là. Avec un boitier plus simple et un format plus classique,...

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HW Journal

2022-06-13 - Seasonic Arch Q503 with CONNECT DGC-650

In Summe bekommt man als Käufer ein gutes bis sehr gutes Gehäuse geboten, was sich aber keine Extravaganzen leistet und zudem mit einem Netzteil ausgeliefert wird, was perfekt konfektionierte Kabel innehat. Eine technische Neuheit und zugleich sehr interessanter Ansatz, der wirklich gut ist.

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2022-06-11 - Seasonic Arch Q503 with CONNECT DGC-650

El sistema CONNECT tiene sus ventajas, es evidente la mejor gestión del cableado en cajas adecuadas, pero también es una fuente poco compatible ya que requiere de una caja con muy amplitud trasera y de hecho solo encontraremos espacio suficiente en modelos muy concretos. Dentro de la Seasonic ARCH Q503...

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2022-05-27 - Seasonic Arch Q503 with CONNECT DGC-750

The Seasonic Arch Q503 with Connect DGC-750 is a package that combines a fairly average mid-tower case with Seasonics Connect power system. You pay a fairly steep price for this innovation and in return you get a cleaner PC build. You should not expect to gain extra performance and are...

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2022-05-27 - B12 BC-550

Ausreichend stromsparend, sehr kompakt und preiswert präsentiert sich das Seasonic B12-BC-550. Es ist nicht vollmodular aufgebaut, sondern verwendet einen fest verbauten Kabelsatz, was in seiner Preisklasse ganz typisch ist. Etwas länger hätten die Kabel aber gern ausfallen dürfen. Es überzeugt mit einer kaum nennenswerten Erwärmung und ist für seine unterdurchschnittliche...

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2022-05-27 - PRIME Fanless TX-700

Seinesgleichen sucht das Seasonic Prime-TX-700-Fanless bezüglich der Effizienz. Das ist zwar bei einer Titanium-Zertifizierung nicht unbedingt anders zu erwarten, wird durch den komplett lüfterlosen Betrieb aber anscheinend noch einmal verstärkt.

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2022-05-25 - Seasonic Arch Q503 with CONNECT DGC-750

Video presentation

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2022-05-25 - Seasonic Arch Q503 with CONNECT DGC-750

Das Seasonic ARCH Q503 mit Seasonic Connect DGC-750 ist ein klasse Kombination aus hochwertigem Gehäuse und Netzteil für den PC ohne Kabelsalat mit sinnvollen Features und einer zeitlosen Optik.

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MYC Media

2022-05-25 - Seasonic Arch Q503 with CONNECT DGC-650

Mit dem Arch Q503 CONNECT hat Seasonic sein Portfolio um ein zweites Gehäuse erweitert, welches speziell für den Einsatz des hauseigenen CONNECT Moduls optimiert wurde. Wie wir es auch schon aus dem SYNCRO Q704 kennen, sorgt das CONNECT Modul auch im Arch Q503 dafür, dass alle Anschlusskabel möglichst kurz gehalten...

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2022-05-25 - Seasonic Arch Q503 with CONNECT DGC-750

Für den Aufpreis gegenüber dem Einzelkauf eines vergleichbaren Gehäuses und eines Netzteils erhält man mit dem Seasonic Arch Q503 letztlich eine stimmige Gehäuse-Netzteil-Kombination, die zudem für mehr Ordnung sorgt. Eine wirkliche Alternative zu den Seasonic CONNECT-Gehäusen kann nach wir vor kein anderer Hersteller anbieten. Wir zeichnen deshalb auch das Arch...

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2022-05-04 - FOCUS SPX-750 White (2021)

With a current price tag set at around USD190 inside the USA and 160Euros inside the EU the Focus SPX-750 SFX power supply unit by Seasonic is priced just a tad higher compared to other similar models. Still Seasonic is second to none to build quality and performance so that...

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2022-04-16 - CORE GX-500

The Seasonic Core GX-500 is an interesting product, but had its price increased as I was reviewing it. Unfortunately, due to the increased demand for parts and limited production, prices of all products have increased. The GX-500 performs decently, with good ripple suppression and incredibly tight load regulation at 12...

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2022-03-22 - PRIME 1300 Platinum

Wieviel Watt die kommenden Grafikkarten von NVIDIA und AMD schlussendlich „schlucken“ werden steht noch in den Sternen, doch eins ist schon heute klar: das Seasonic Prime PX-1300 1300W bietet locker ausreichend Power für sämtliche Next-Gen-GPUs. Und: Wie gehabt überzeugt die Technik in Form von hochwertigen Bauteilen und einer modernen DC-DC-Technologie....

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2022-03-22 - FOCUS SGX-750 (2021)

Seasonic Focus SGX-750 (2021) este o sursa solida, cu performante de top, insa pretul este destul de ridicat daca ne raportam la alte oferte de pe piata. Avand in vedere garantia de 10 ani si renumele Seasonic, as fi putut sa gasesc pretul de peste 750lei oarecum justificat daca am...

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2022-03-03 - FOCUS SPX-750 (2021)

Il FOCUS SPX-750 ha confermato le nostre aspettative durante lo svolgimento di tutti i nostri test: nonostante il ridotto fattore di forma (SFF), sono state garantite tutte le caratteristiche che accompagnano gli alimentatori ATX di casa Seasonic.

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2022-02-23 - FOCUS SGX-750

KitGuru says: Another quality power supply from Seasonic. It passed all our tests with flying colours and should be top of your list if you are looking for a low noise, fully modular power supply for a small form factor SFX build.

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2022-01-20 - FOCUS SPX-750

...il nempêche que ce petit bloc SFX est impressionnant. Les tensions et les consommations sont plus que maitrisées, nous avons une certification en 80 Plus Platinum, nous sommes sur du Full modulaire, la garantie est de 10 ans et le prix est réellement contenu pour ce format. Justement, à la...

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2021-12-06 - SYNCRO Q704 with SYNCRO DGC-650

In conclusion, the Seasonic SYNCRO Q704 is an amazing case that offers a great performance and a few unique features that make it stand out. The inverted layout is functional and easy to work with, and the included power supply will last a lifetime, or at least until the 10-year...

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2021-12-01 - SYNCRO Q704 with SYNCRO DGC-750

Video review SYNCRO Q704

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2021-11-17 - PRIME TX-1000

Cu un pret de aproximativ 1500 lei, Seasonic Prime TX-1000 1000W confirma regula care se aplica in orice domeniu, si anume faptul ca exclusivitatea si performanta vin cu un pret. Sursa testata astazi are tot ce v-ati putea dori: 12 ani garantie (2 ani in plus fata de garantia de...

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2021-09-22 - FOCUS SGX-650

In conclusion, the Seasonic SGX 650 Gold is a great SFX-L power supply that has a good performance. The efficiency is great and the noise output is good. The 10 year warranty is what we expect from Seasonic, and the excellent build quality is enough to believe that the PSU...

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2021-09-11 - FOCUS SGX-650

Video review of Seasonic SGX-650

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2021-08-22 - SYNCRO Q704 with SYNCRO DGC-750

Le Syncro Q704 propose une solution tout en un efficace avec une qualité des matériaux et un packaging irréprochable. Le Connect permet de jouir dun bon cable management et lalimentation fournie est très stable et silencieuse.

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2021-07-23 - PRIME TX-1000

Auch dem neuen Seasonic Prime TX-1000 können wir eine klare Empfehlung aussprechen! Wie gehabt überzeugt die Technik in Form von hochwertigen Bauteilen und einer modernen DC-DC-Technologie. Ebenfalls mit von der Partie sind sämtliche Schutzschaltungen, das sehr leise Semi-Passiv-Kühlkonzept, die erstklassigen Messwerte und das durchdachte Kabelmanagement (Länge, Menge der Anschlüsse). Die...

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Comptoir du Hardware

2021-06-25 - SYNCRO Q704 with SYNCRO DGC-650

Seaonic nous livre là sa vision du boîtier avec un modèle à la conception soignée, simple à mettre en oeuvre et très bien équipé, puisquil est livré avec un bloc dalimentation dédié. Le concept du Connect Module est fort sympathique, mais il nécessitera un châssis adapté comme ici. Cependant les...

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The FPS Review

2021-05-04 - FOCUS GM-650

The Seasonic FOCUS GM-650 is a very good mainstream power supply. From its excellent Build Quality to its very good voltage regulation to its good Transient Load to its very goodexcellent DC Output Quality the FOCUS GM-650 does just about everything a mainstream product should do On top of that,...

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2020-11-25 - FOCUS GX-550

La final pot spune ca Seasonic Focus GX-550 este o sursa care poate face fata fara probleme oricarui sistem modern mainstream, punctand decisiv la capitolul pret performanta. Comportamentul excelent, cuplat cu formatul de dimensiuni reduse si garantia de lunga durata o transforma intr-o alegere greu de trecut cu vederea, chiar...

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2020-11-14 - SYNCRO Q704 with SYNCRO DGC-750

Yep, you read that right, Seasonic has now entered the case market. After getting hands-on with an early prototype almost a year ago, today Leo can present his full review of the Seasonic Syncro.

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2020-11-14 - SYNCRO Q704 with SYNCRO DGC-650

System Specs: Case: Seasonic Syncro Q704 PSU: Seasonic Syncro 750W Gold CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600X Motherboard: MSI B550 Tomahawk RAM: HyperX Fury 32GB 3600MHz DDR4 GPU: MSI GeForce RTX 3080 Ventus 3x

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2020-11-14 - SYNCRO Q704 with SYNCRO DGC-650

Questo CASE è UNICO - Seasonic SYNCRO

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Linus Tech Tips

2020-11-14 - SYNCRO Q704 with SYNCRO DPC-850

Did Seasonic create perfection - Syncro Q7 Series

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PC Games Hardware

2020-11-14 - SYNCRO Q704 with SYNCRO DGC-750

Seasonic ist für hochwertige Netzteile bekannt und hat mit dem Connect dieses Jahr bereits eine kleine Eigenentwicklung vorgestellt, die das Kabelmanagement vereinfachen soll. Dieses System kommt nun auch im ersten Gehäuse von Seasonic zum Einsatz und soll dazu dienen, optimales Kabelmanagement zu liefern und den Zusammenbau dazu einfacher machen.

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2020-11-14 - SYNCRO Q704 with SYNCRO DGC-750

Seasonic geht als Netzeilhersteller aber den nächsten Schritt und bündelt das Gehäuse mit einer besonderen Netzteillösung. Durch das CONNECT-Modul müssen die Kabel nicht mehr vom Netzteil aus zu den Komponenten geführt werden. Stattdessen sorgt dieses CONNECT-Modul für sehr viel kürzere Wege. Zusätzlich kann es auch als PWM- und A-RGB-Hub genutzt...

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2020-11-14 - SYNCRO Q704 with SYNCRO DGC-650

Ce jour, longue vidéo sur le combo boitier alimentation SEASONIC SYNCRO Q704 CONNECT 650. Le SYNCRO Q704 est le premier boitier de SEASONIC, il est au format E-ATX, exploite de laluminium, de lABS, du verre trempé et de lacier. La version Q704 arrive avec 4 ventilateurs de 120 mm Nidec...

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2020-11-14 - SYNCRO Q704 with SYNCRO DGC-650

En general a mi el concepto me encanta, encajan perfectamente ambos productos, pero también la veo como una caja muy atractiva para aquellos que no estén interesados en el concepto modular de la fuente, pero quieran una caja con distribución invertida. Con estas calidades y un precio de suelta de...

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2020-11-14 - SYNCRO Q704 with SYNCRO DGC-750

Das Gehäuse-Erstlingswerk von Seasonic konnte uns überzeugen. Der Preis von knapp 390 Euro (mit 750 Watt CONNECT Netzteil) ist zwar kein Schnäppchen, doch dafür bekommt auch Einiges für sein Geld geboten. Für den schweren Tower sprechen die erstklassige Verarbeitungsqualität, das üppige Platzangebot, die hohe Kühlleistung und das moderne IO-Panel. Auch...

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2020-11-14 - SYNCRO Q704 with SYNCRO DGC-650

Ultimately, the Q7 series case is an absolutely well-built and functional chassis, but it may be a hard sell to a wider target audience on its own. As a bundle with the Connect PSU, things make a lot more sense as the two do seamlessly fit together, unlike what you...

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2020-11-14 - SYNCRO Q704 with SYNCRO DGC-750

De eerste behuizing van Seasonic is direct een bijzondere. De Syncro is goed als standalone-behuizing bruikbaar, maar onderscheidt zich pas echt dankzij de mogelijkheid een Connect-module voor speciale voedingen in te bouwen. Daarmee wordt het kabelmanagement vereenvoudigd; de module is een soort backplane voor de bekabeling. Dat maakt de combinatie...

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2020-11-14 - SYNCRO Q704 with SYNCRO DGC-750

Seasonic Syncro Q704 este o carcasa extrem de spatioasa, care imbina elemente high-end cu posibilitati extinse de racire. Elementele din aluminiu, sticla securizata cu tenta inchisa, cat si cele patru ventilatoare server-grade de 120mm Nidec Servo PWM renumite atat pentru silentiozitate, cat si pentru debitul de aer, sunt elemente care...

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2020-11-14 - SYNCRO Q704 with SYNCRO DGC-650

Pour le châssis, nous ne sommes toujours pas adeptes du Reverse ATX, mais on ne peut pas nier que ce dernier fait le travail.

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2020-10-08 - PRIME 750 Titanium

In conclusion, the Seasonic PRIME TX-750 Titanium is a great power supply which not only offers a very good performance but also has a 12-year warranty. The only inconvenient with this power supply is the price, however, at this level of quality and performance, it is a worthwhile investment.

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2020-07-16 - FOCUS GX-750

In conclusion, the Seasonic FOCUS GX-750 is a good power supply that improves on the already great Seasonic Focus series. The FOCUS GX-750 is available with a 10-year warranty, which shows the quality and performance of the improved Focus platform. The modular cables are flat and flexible, and all of...

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2020-07-07 - PRIME Fanless TX-700

Nous sommes sur un bloc qui sera parfait pour les configurations tout aussi haut de gamme et conviendra aux utilisateurs recherchant le silence à tout prix pour les configurations. Elle conviendra donc très bien aux PC de type HTPC, mais aussi pour des machines équipant des postes de travail. Pour...

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2020-07-01 - Seasonic CONNECT

We know full well that Seasonic understands power supplies and there can be no argument that a Prime 750W Gold will work well as a PSU so that important aspect of Seasonic CONNECT is a given. The cable management side of things is a different matter as the finished build...

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2020-06-12 - Seasonic CONNECT

You can clearly see that Seasonic engineers have done a tremendous job with this PSU, took full advantage of the concept, and really made it work as it should

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2020-05-26 - PRIME PX-650

Seasonic Prime PX-650 respecta reteta de succes a seriilor anterioare, mai precis variatie a tensiunilor extrem de mica, rezerva de putere de minim 30 si silentiozitate.

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2020-05-19 - CORE GC-500

Seasonic platziert sich als direkte Konkurrenz zur be quiet Pure Power 11 Reihe (Test), bietet allerdings mit 7 Jahren eine etwas längere Herstellergarantie. Wir persönlich empfehlen das semi-modulare Seasonic Core GM, der Aufpreis von 10-15 Euro für das leicht bessere Kabelmanagement ist es wert. Wer jedoch jetzt schon weiß, dass...

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2020-05-19 - CORE GM-650

Seasonic platziert sich als direkte Konkurrenz zur be quiet Pure Power 11 Reihe (Test), bietet allerdings mit 7 Jahren eine etwas längere Herstellergarantie. Wir persönlich empfehlen das semi-modulare Seasonic Core GM, der Aufpreis von 10-15 Euro für das leicht bessere Kabelmanagement ist es wert. Wer jedoch jetzt schon weiß, dass...

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Performance Computer

2020-05-16 - PRIME TX-1000

Anyone looking for a long-lasting premium power supply, will find the Prime TX series to be an ideal solution. Overall, we highly recommend the Seasonic Prime TX 1000 and are proud to award it our Editors Choice award

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2020-05-13 - Seasonic CONNECT

In conclusion, I can say that if you like Seasonic Connect 750W and you want to see more models from this series, all you have to do is buy and share it with your friends. The success of this first model is vital for the emergence of new Connect models....

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Toms Hardware

2020-04-25 - Seasonic CONNECT

A high-performance power supply combined with a backplane that allows for shorter cables, an easier installation, and increased airflow.

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2020-04-25 - Seasonic CONNECT

The Seasonic Connect is a unique product, the first of its kind. The idea might look simple, but nobody else had thus far found the courage to implement it in a desktop PSU. By separating the modular panel from the power supply and attaching the VRMs that generate the minor...

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2020-04-19 - Seasonic CONNECT

Mientras esto llega Seasonic se desmarca de su competencia con el sistema de fuente modular más efectivo del mercado con un tipo de fuente que nadie tiene en su catálogo.

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2020-04-13 - CORE GM-650

Mit dem Core GM 650W bringt Seasonic ein sehr gutes Netzteil zum erschwinglichen Preis auf den Markt. Das Gehäuse präsentiert sich recht kompakt und in einem modernen Look. Im Innenraum gibt es die gewohnt hochwertige Seasonic-Technik inkl. 7 Jahre Garantie. Auch sämtliche Messungen (Restwelligkeit, Spannungen, Wirkungsgrad) können sich sehen lassen.

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2020-03-31 - Seasonic CONNECT

Pour le concept en lui même, nous le trouvons excellent, car nous avons une répartition parfaite des câbles et comme ces derniers sont plus petits, ils sont plus facile à ranger. On peut aussi le dire, cela donne grave de la classe au montage, dautant plus quon a quelques diodes....

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Hardware Info

2020-01-15 - FOCUS GX-650

Mede doordat Seasonic als één van de weinige zowel twee eps-kabels als vier peg-connectors biedt, is de Focus GX-650 echter net zon goed verhaal: hij is een tientje goedkoper dan de concurrentie en speelt op alle andere punten gelijkspel of de winst.

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Hardware Info

2020-01-15 - CORE GM-500

... maar daar staat tegenover dat Seasonic in dit segment als enige zeven in plaats van vijf jaar garantie geeft. Voor een doorsnee systeem met één videokaart is de Seasonic Core GM 500W daarmee een prima optie.

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2020-01-13 - FOCUS GX-850

Loccasione ci ha comunque fornito la possibilità di provare il nuovo OneSeasonic FOCUS GX-850, sicuramente uno tra i modelli più richiesti con ben 850W e certificazione 80Plus GOLD. Come abbiamo appurato nel corso della recensione, le modifiche circuitali sono state marginali e non hanno apportato variazioni alle performance elettriche già...

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Relaxed Tech

2019-12-07 - FOCUS SGX-650

The Focus SGX 650W is an excellent power supply that performs exactly as advertised and the 120 price-tag is quite reasonable for a quality SFX-L PSU such as this one.

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2019-10-17 - FOCUS SGX-650

Comportamentul electric, calitatea pieselor folosite precum si folosirea unul ventilator de 120mm cu lagar pe lichid (FDB) fac ca Focus SGX-650 sa exceleze la orice capitol, ajungand brusc in topul celor mai bune performante testate de noi. Daca nu ma credeti, aruncati un ochi rapid pe stabilitatea tensiunilor si gasiti...

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eTonix Interactive GmbH

2019-10-14 - Wooting one - Linear55 Red - DE

Die Wooting One ist eine innovative Tastatur, welche durch die analoge Betriebsart außergewöhnliche Möglichkeiten eröffnet.... Cool ist dagegen, dass im digitalen Modus der Auslösepunkt nach individuellem Belieben eingestellt werden kann und auch die D.K.S. Funktion ist durchaus interessant. Für D.K.S. muss zwar ein analoges Profil genutzt werden, aber dieses kann...

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2019-08-12 - Wooting one - Linear55 Red - UK

Un clavier extrêmement plaisant que ce Wooting One Il demande certes un investissement certain afin den tirer toutes les possibilités. Lintérêt en jeu est évident et apporte pas mal de finesse dans les déplacements. Les switches Flaretech sont une belle plus-value, soutenus en cela par un soft, somme toute, ergonomique...

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Toms Hardware

2019-06-09 - FOCUS SGX-500

Seasonics new small form factor units manage to offer good performance without breaking the bank. This is what the majority of users want, a balance between performance and cost, since only a small portion of them is willing to pay a large amount for getting the highest possible performance. Seasonic...

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2019-06-03 - PRIME 600 Fanless Titanium

svůj účel splní, použity jsou kvalitní materiály a podobný zdroj budete na trhu hledat dost složitě.

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2019-05-28 - PRIME Ultra 1000 Titanium

SeaSonic Prime Ultra Titanium 1000 Вт топовый блок питания, собравший в себе лучшие наработки инженеров, почти полвека только блоками питания и занимающихся.

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2019-05-16 - FOCUS 750 Gold

Exceptional quality, both internally and externally, is the signature feature of the Focus Plus Gold 750FX. Externally, the designers made sure that the PSU will be aesthetically appealing with a modern, yet not extravagant design. Internally, SeaSonic is using only top-quality components from known and reliable manufacturers including using only...

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2019-05-06 - FOCUS SGX-650

In conclusione possiamo affermare che lalimentatore analizzato Seasonic Focus 650W (SSR-650SGX) ha superato a pieni voti tutti i test a cui è stato sottoposto, molti dei valori che abbiamo acquisito sono migliori rispetto a quelli dichiarati, tutti gli ingegneri che hanno lavorato a questo progetto sono riusciti a realizzare un...

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2019-04-22 - PRIME Ultra 1000 Titanium

Два протестированных блока питания PRIME Ultra Titanium на 750 и 1.000 Вт показывают очень высокую эффективность уровня 80 Plus Titanium, отличаются низкими пульсациями и шумами, а также очень хорошей стабилизацией выходных напряжений. По уровню шума две модели Ultra оказались чуть лучше предшественников, поскольку Seasonic установила внутрь немного отличающиеся вентиляторы, а...

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Toms Hardware

2019-04-13 - FOCUS SGX-650

The Seasonic Focus SGX 650W has a competitive price and it achieves a pretty high overall performance score. The Seasonic Focus SGX 650W is a good choice for users wanting a compact, powerful and reliable power supply. Its major opponent is the Corsair SF600 which is even smaller since it...

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2019-03-29 - X-750

That all said, this unit did GREAT. I have ZERO complaints about this unit after the last 10 years and this design is a real workhorse that Seasonic has used, modified, and developed over the years into some truly excellent products. When Seasonic introduced this design, it was a significant...

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2019-03-26 - FOCUS SGX-450

Avec ce modèle en 450 watts nous savions à quoi nous attendre, donc du très bon et cest le cas. Les tensions sont au top, les consommations dans la norme, la certification est excellente pour le format et nous avons un ventilateur semi-passif qui donne dans la discrétion totale au...

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2019-03-07 - FOCUS SGX-650

The high quality of the Focus Gold SGX-650 probably is its biggest selling point. It is an exceptionally well-designed and constructed PSU, with components coming from the best manufacturers and a fantastic assembly job. So it is not surprising that SeaSonic backs their power supply with a 10 year warranty.

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2019-02-20 - PRIME 600 Fanless Titanium

Adevaratul avantaj al Seasonic Prime Titanium Fanless 600W vine din flexibilitatea de care da dovada: o sursa silentioasa de 600W cuminte si eficienta se poate transforma la nevoie (daca asiguram un airflow in carcasa) intr-un monstru de 850W.

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2019-02-11 - FOCUS SGX-650

The Seasonic FOCUS SGX-650 showed up today as the slightly bigger brother to the pint sized contender we saw in the FOCUS SGX-450 and it proceeded to do to our tests (and the competition) exactly what that unit did; destroy them. So, it is not too surprising then when we...

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2019-01-31 - FOCUS SGX-450

Seasonic Focus SGX-450 is among the best SFX power supply units that you can buy in the market. Its 80 plus Gold Certified, fully modular, and manages to handle all the tasks within the requirements of its wattage efficiently (despite being smaller).

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PC Perspective

2019-01-21 - FOCUS SGX-650

With the introduction of the FOCUS SGX series, Seasonic now has two SFX-L power supplies to offer small form-factor enthusiasts. And as we have come to expect from Seasonic, the overall performance was very good to excellent. The voltage regulation for the three main outputs (12V, 5V, and 3.3V) was...

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2019-01-03 - FOCUS SGX-650

For all its compactness (due to the SFX-L form factor), the Seasonic FOCUS SGX-650 power supply showed impressive results. Firstly, it remains quiet even at loads up to 75. Secondly, it offers over 90 efficiency. The fan does its job very well, especially if you consider that the package is...

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2018-12-31 - FOCUS SGX-450

What exactly was it that was so excellent about the FOCUS SGX-450 you might ask. Well, this unit featured generally excellent build quality and design, OUTSTANDING voltage regulation, OUTSTANDING DC Output Quality, excellent Transient Load Test results, very good efficiency, and an excellent noise profile.

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2018-12-17 - FOCUS SGX-650

Avec cette Focus SGX, Seasonic nous propose un très bon bloc qui sera à considérer dans le cadre d'un achat SFX. La finition est bonne, les tensions excellentes, la consommation maitrisée et le niveau sonore assez bas pour un ventilateur de 120 mm de type Slim. Clairement, nous pouvons qualifier...

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2018-12-17 - FOCUS SGX-650

Cette Focus SGX-650 est un bloc dalimentation au format SFX-L. Sa mécanique monorail propose un rendement solide et des tensions stables. Avec 650 Watts de puissance, elle répond à de forts besoins et une configuration gaming ne limpressionne pas. A tout ceci sajoutent un haut rendement, un ventilateur de 120...

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Noticias3D nFinite 9000 S.L.

2018-12-03 - FOCUS SGX-650

Con todo, la Seasonic Focus SGX-650 es una fuente robusta y confiable, 100 modular, muy silenciosa, con sistema híbrido del ventilador, con cables planos y conexiones suficientes para casi todo tipo de equipos.

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2018-11-24 - FOCUS SGX-650

Nous avons deux modèles : 450 W et 650 W. Les deux bénéficient de la certification 80 Gold. Une puissance de 650 W permet dassurer lalimentation dune config gaming haut de gamme. Les condensateurs sont japonais garantissant une bonne fiabilité dans le temps et comme Seasonic conçoit et réalise ses...

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2018-11-22 - FOCUS SGX-650

Ydelsen der leveres er der absolut ikke en finger at sidde på, som det efterhånden har været tilfældet ved samtlige strømforsyninger vi har testet. Focus SGX650 er klippestabil lige meget hvor meget belastning vi kaster på den. Støjniveauet er på et absolut minimum, takket være den store 120 mm Fluid...

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2018-11-20 - FOCUS SGX-450

Son innumerables los incondicionales que Seasonic tiene alrededor del mundo. Es una fama que la marca se ha sabido ganar a fuerza de ofrecer unas altísimas cotas de calidad en cada producto puesto en el mercado. En este caso, la Seasonic Focus SGX-450W es un producto fantástico, sin puntos débiles...

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2018-11-19 - FOCUS SGX-650

Zasilacz świetnie wypadł w testach. Wszystkie linie są idealne albo bliskie ideałowi, a pod obciążeniem tylko nieznacznie się zmieniają. Są więc one bardzo stabilne i zdecydowanie bardzo dobre.

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2018-11-13 - FOCUS SGX-650

Proposée à un tarif recommandé d'environ 130 €, la Seasonic Focus SGX 650 est la digne petite soeur de la Seasonic Focus+ Gold. Même si cela reste plus cher qu'un bloc ATX, il est difficile de mieux faire dans ce marché de niche, vous pouvez donc foncer les yeux fermés.

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Performance Computer

2018-11-08 - PRIME SnowSilent 650 Platinum

The Seasonic Prime Snow Silent series is one of their best power supplies yet The design is beautiful, and this unit comes with the performance and reliability youd expect from a top-tier manufacturer like Seasonic. It also comes with an incredible and confident 12-year warranty (which youll probably never need...

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2018-10-17 - FOCUS PLUS 550 Gold

The Seasonic FOCUS PLUS Gold 550W does the exact same thing every other FOCUS PLUS unit has done before; represent a solid option in the mid-range that users should take very seriously and then puts an exclamation point on it. As was the case with the previous FOCUS PLUS units...

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2018-10-16 - PRIME Ultra 650 Titanium

海韵PRIME Ultra 650 Titanium旗舰钛金电源的效率极高满载50W的耗散功率不到电源很清凉风扇转速不高

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2018-09-10 - FOCUS PLUS 850 Platinum

In conclusion, the FOCUS Plus 850 Platinum model is one of the high end models of the Focus budget range offered by Seasonic, being the proof that budget oriented power supplies do not have to make compromises in either performance or overall quality. The internal build quality is great, all...

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2018-08-31 - FOCUS PLUS 550 Gold

如果以性能来评价海韵FOCUS 550 Gold放到T2高端Professional这个级别完全没有问题不过它的定位以及只有一组PCIE线材决定了它是一颗T3级别的主流产品各方面性能都非常好可以完美代替G系列价格也合适如果不想在电源上花太多钱而且也没有太高功耗的配置选这个就可以了同档次没对手

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2018-08-28 - FOCUS PLUS 650 Platinum

The Seasonic FOCUS PLUS Platinum 650W nails it when it comes to what we expect from the FOCUS PLUS line from Seasonic just like its Gold counterpart did. That means our checklist once more reads something like excellent build quality, voltage regulation, efficiency, and Transient Load Test results along with...

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2018-08-08 - PRIME Ultra 850 Titanium

When it comes the Seasonic PRIME Ultra 850W we were once more expecting a very high quality and high performance unit. What we got was a very high quality and high performance unit. There were literally no surprises today as the PRIME Ultra 850W gave us outstanding build quality and...

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2018-07-24 - FOCUS PLUS 650 Gold

The Seasonic FOCUS PLUS Gold 650W didn't skip a beat when it comes to what we expect from the FOCUS PLUS line from Seasonic. Name the check box and it checked it. Excellent build quality, check. Very good to excellent voltage regulation, check. Very good/excellent efficiency, check. OUTSTANDING DC Output...

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2018-07-09 - PRIME Ultra 1000 Titanium

Todays PRIME Ultra 1000W is part of the highest tier in Seasonics PRIME lineup. With that in mind, the PRIME Ultra 1000W does anything but disappoint. In fact this unit does such an amazing job at everything it does that it is one of those moments where you have to...

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MasterbitzOC Reviews and Testing

2018-07-04 - PRIME 600 Fanless Titanium

En el apartado del desempeño vemos que no contamos con refrigeración como otros productos, pero la temperatura y estabilidad esta de la mano en este producto ya que las temperaturas, aunque sean altas se mantendrá fresca y la estabilidad es excelente algo que es bien característico de la Certificación Titanium...

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2018-07-02 - PRIME Ultra 750 Titanium

Our look at the Prime Ultra Titanium series has now at last come to a conclusion. We can now definitively say theres not a bad performer in the bunch, and while all do have some very minor drawbacks I cant see any reason not to recommend any of them. Now,...

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Tek Syndicate

2018-07-02 - PRIME AirTouch 850 Gold

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2018-07-02 - PRIME AirTouch 850 Gold

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2018-06-26 - FOCUS PLUS 850 Platinum

The Seasonic FOCUS PLUS Platinum 850W came into testing with a bit of a disadvantage today since it would be competing with the FOCUS PLUS Gold 850W which was an excellent mainstream power supply. Todays FOCUS PLUS Platinum 850W, though, didnt skip a beat as it gave us excellent build...

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2018-06-26 - PRIME AirTouch 850 Gold

PRIME AirTouch

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Linus Tech Tips

2018-06-24 - PRIME 600 Fanless Titanium

Linus Tech Tips uses the PRIME 600 Fanless Titanium to overclock.

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Performance Computer

2018-06-22 - PRIME Ultra 550 Platinum

Combine flawless performance with a fully modular design, nearly silent operation and a 12-year warranty and you have a product that is well worth spending a little more on.

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Tech of Tomorrow

2018-06-20 - PRIME AirTouch 850 Gold

PRIME AirTouch Unboxing and First Look

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Nordic Hardware

2018-06-15 - Computex Special

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2018-06-14 - PRIME 1200 Platinum

Another day, another Seasonic PRIME unit. Another Seasonic PRIME unit, another outstanding power supply. Can I stop writing now No Fine. Today, the PRIME 1200W Platinum gave us outstanding build quality and design, excellent voltage regulation, outstanding DC Output Quality, and excellent Transient Load Test results while also being very...

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Informática Cero

2018-06-08 - FOCUS PLUS 850 Platinum

Al contar con certificación Platinan nos garantiza óptimos niveles de operación y ahorro de energía. Sería lo ideal para equipos exigentes aunque hay muchas otras variantes dentro de la línea en el caso de que los costos no nos den. Pero siempre recuerden que invertir en una buena fuente, es...

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2018-06-05 - PRIME 600 Fanless Titanium

Fassen wir kurz zusammen. Das Seasonic Prime Titanium Fanless, ist das derzeit einzige passive Netzteil seiner Klasse. Das betrifft nicht nur die Effizienz, die in weiten Teilen auf unglaublichen 94-95 liegt, sondern auch viele andere Aspekte des Netzteils. Der Preis ist mit etwa 190 Euro zwar recht hoch, aber dafür...

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2018-06-03 - PRIME 600 Fanless Titanium

说明海韵PRIME 600 Titanium Fanless旗舰钛金无风扇电源是首款拿到本专栏T0级评价的电源除了拥有超一流的性能之外T0级的产品性能应该T1级的产品被评为T0的产品必须还有特别的元素例如手工打造例如非标准规格等等在目前它是一款非主流产品无风扇电源向来稀少也不是主流用户会选择的产品

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2018-05-21 - PRIME Ultra 850 Titanium

I have now become so used to having these amazing performing Seasonics around that I have come to expect this performance from all of their products. But it cannot be stressed enough how sweet it is to feel that way about them. To date, every single Prime unit has performed...

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Informática Cero

2018-05-21 - FOCUS PLUS 850 Gold

Para ir finalizando, debemos decir que estamos ante la serie ideal para cualquier PC de hoy en día. Los componentes cada vez consumen menos y más vale gastar en certificación 80 que en watts. 850W está maaaaas que bien, tranquilamente podemos tener un equipo con 2 tarjetas gráficas y procesadores...

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PC Games Hardware

2018-05-17 - PRIME 600 Fanless Titanium

Für knapp 200 Euro können Freunde stiller PC-Hardware endlich in den Genuss von extrem effizienten und leistungsfähigen Spannungswandlern kommen, denn das Prime Fanless 600 W ist das stärkste und einzige passive Netzteil auf dem Markt, das zusätzlich noch über eine Titanium-Zertifizierung der 80-Plus-Initiative verfügt.

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2018-05-17 - FOCUS PLUS 550 Platinum

The Seasonic FOCUS PLUS Platinum 550W represents another solid option in the mid-range from Seasonic that users should take very seriously.

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Overclocking Made In France

2018-05-14 - PRIME Ultra 1000 Titanium

Avec cette PRIME Ultra 1000, Seasonic présente une formidable alimentation. Cest dailleurs la seule Titanium de 1 KilloWatts disponible à ce tarif très agressif de 260. Alimentation modulaire, hybride, silencieuse même en charge, que demander de plus Seasonic garantie cette référence 12 ans

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2018-04-29 - PRIME Ultra 850 Titanium

The Prime Ultra series PSUs comes packaged with everything you would ever need for a high-end PC. What you can expect with this PSU is tight voltage regulation and awesome efficiency from the Titanium certification.

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2018-04-25 - FOCUS 750 Gold

Seasonic nous propose une alimentation qui a réellement tout pour plaire et dotée dun tarif particulièrement attractif au vu de ses prestations.

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2018-04-18 - FOCUS PLUS 650 Platinum

Das Seasonic Focus Plus Platinum bietet alle Eigenschaften, die ein gutes Netzteil bieten muss: Es ist effizient, in vielen Leistungsstufen erhältlich und selbst unter Last angenehm leise. Sehr gut gefällt uns die Möglichkeit, das Netzteil bei geringer Auslastung passiv zu betreiben. Störende Geräusche wie fiepende Spulen oder dergleichen lassen sich...

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2018-04-16 - FOCUS PLUS 550 Gold

Tačiau dar didesnis žingsnis padarytas mažinant triukšmo lygį. Nors abu maitinimo šaltiniai pasižymi identišku tiek teoriniu, tiek praktiniu efektyvumu, maksimaliai apkrauto Focus ventiliatorius dirba daugiau nei 25 dBA tyliau. Tai pritrenkiantis skirtumas, kuris tokiu pačiu išlieka netgi Focus įjungus perkrovos testui. Mūsų testavimo pavyzdys sugebėjo atiduoti 600 W (tikėtina galėjo...

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2018-04-09 - PRIME 600 Fanless Titanium

There is one thing worth keeping in mind as you read though our conclusions. We perform all our tests with the PSUs inside a 45C113F incubator. This replicates what can easily be one of the hottest cases you would likely put this PSU in. Our PSU testing criteria is not...

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Toms Hardware

2018-04-04 - PRIME Ultra 1000 Titanium

Seasonics engineers created the best analog platform that money can buy, and itll be difficult for any other manufacturer to achieve higher performance levels without using digital circuits.

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2018-03-28 - FOCUS PLUS 750 Gold

Per total, Seasonic Focus Plus 750W Gold este o sursa care poate face fata fara probleme oricarui sistem modern, motiv pentru care am si utilizat acest model in mai multe build-uri construite anul trecut. Comportamentul excelent, cuplat cu formatul de dimensiuni reduse si garantia de lunga durata o transforma intr-o...

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Jojococo Studio

2018-03-20 - FOCUS PLUS 750 Gold

Phanteks Enthoo Evolv ATX mod and custom water cooling powered by Seasonic FOCUS PLUS 750 Gold

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Jojococo Studio

2018-03-20 - FOCUS PLUS 650 Gold

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2018-03-15 - PRIME Ultra 850 Titanium

Alors oui, à 219 le bloc de 850 watts, cest cher, mais on est tout de même 40 moins que sur le modèle 2017, avec des accessoires en plus et une garantie de 12 ans. Donc, oui, cest une somme, mais vous aurez le droit au top du top du...

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2018-03-13 - PRIME 600 Fanless Titanium

Lefficienza energetica 80plus Titanium viene archiviata con un discreto margine, mentre il grado di pulizia delle tensioni duscita si conferma al vertice per la fascia di appartenenza; non dimentichiamo, infine, lincredibile garanzia offerta dalla casa che anche per questo particolare modello viene confermata a ben 12 anni

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2018-03-12 - PRIME 600 Fanless Titanium

Cette Prime Titanium Fanless 600W s'adresse aux utilisateurs et gamers exigeants. Positionnée à 199, un tarif conséquent au regard de sa puissance, elle propose un niveau de prestation à la hauteur. Ses atouts touchent son refroidissement sans ventilateur, ses nuisances sonores nulles, sa gestion 100 modulaire des câbles, son rendement...

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2018-03-12 - PRIME 600 Fanless Titanium

In what will come as a shock to nobody at all, Seasonic has yet another winner looking us right in the face today. The Prime platform continues being awesome, and I continue to hold high expectations for this company. What else is there to say This kind of performance speaks...

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2018-03-08 - PRIME 600 Fanless Titanium

Peut-on affirmer que cette alimentation Seasonic PRIME 600 W Fanless Titanium pour PC est la meilleure du monde ? Sans doute. Cette alimentation est à réserver à ceux qui veulent le meilleur pour leurs composants informatiques, à ceux qui investissent sur le long terme. On pourra peut-être regretter l'absence de...

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2018-02-28 - PRIME 750 Gold

With previous 750W power supplies from Seasonics PRIME series having been excellent products it is probably not that surprising that the PRIME 750W Gold was an excellent product today as well. In fact, the Seasonic PRIME 750W Gold managed to not only stay competitive with units like those we compared...

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Toms Hardware

2018-02-26 - PRIME 600 Fanless Titanium

This is the best passive PSU that money can get you today. It is super efficient, its overall performance puts to shame many high-end active cooling PSUs and it can easily support a strong gaming system. The only downside is the stiff price, but you get what you pay for,...

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2018-02-25 - PRIME Ultra 750 Titanium

Que dire sur cette alimentation, à part quelle frôle la perfection Alors certes, dans labsolu, cela pourrait paraitre cher, mais cest ni plus ni moins que létat de lart dans le domaine de lalimentation PC, et à notre sens, à budget équivalent, il vaut mieux avoir 750 W en Titanium...

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2018-02-22 - PRIME Ultra 1000 Platinum

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2018-02-22 - PRIME Ultra 850 Titanium

PRIME Ultra Titanium je tako najpoželjnija i vjerojatno najbolja serija desktop napajanja trenutno dostupna na tržištu.

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2018-02-22 - PRIME 600 Fanless Titanium

PRIME Fanless 600 W Titanium ili SSR-600TL je vrhunski proizvod namijenjen svima koji grade apsolutno tiho računalo.

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2018-02-22 - PRIME 600 Fanless Titanium

...finns det inget på marknaden idag som kommer i närheten av Seasonic Prime Titanium Fanless prestandamässigt.

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2018-02-13 - PRIME 600 Fanless Titanium

Bien fait, sobre, stable, efficace, inaudible et bénéficiant dune garantie de 12 ans, voilà le programme avec cette Prime Fanless Titanium. Que dire de plus? Et bien que cette alimentation est de la très bonne came...

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2018-02-12 - PRIME Ultra 1000 Platinum

As weve now come to expect every time a Seasonic enters my lab, Seasonic has walked out a winner once again. They did what they set out to do with the Prime Ultra Platinum models... keep the performance while getting rid of the in cable capacitors and tweak some other...

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2018-02-04 - Snow Silent 750

The performance of the power supply is excellent thanks to the internal components used by Seasonic, the efficiency is very good when the unit is in load, reaching a value of 92 while the voltage oscillation is minimal. In conclusion, the Snow Silent 750W model is the living proof that...

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MYC Media

2018-02-02 - PRIME Ultra 750 Gold

Mit dem PRIME ULTRA 750GD2 hat Seasonic ein sehr hochwertiges Netzteil in seinem Sortiment aufgenommen, welches zwar in einer schlichten Farbgebung gehalten ist, aber durch das großflächige Mesh-Gitter und den seitlichen Kiemen dennoch nicht so schlicht ausfällt und sich somit auch in dem ein oder anderen Casemod sehen lassen kann....

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2018-02-01 - PRIME Ultra 850 Titanium

Dai primi dati sulle caratteristiche si è appreso che le modifiche apportate hanno interessato poco il comparto elettrico, mentre il bundle ed il comfort acustico hanno ricevuto maggiori benefici...

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2018-01-31 - PRIME Ultra 750 Titanium

Seasonic met à jour sa série Prime Titanium en proposant une Prime Ultra Titanium qui na clairement rien à lui envier. La qualité de fabrication ainsi que les finitions sont tout simplement excellentes... Bref encore une fois Seasonic nous propose un bloc qui ne souffre d'aucune faiblesse...

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Toms Hardware

2018-01-29 - PRIME Ultra 1000 Platinum

The SSR-1000PD Ultra is one of the best PSUs you can buy today. It is clear proof that skilled engineers can extract performance from analog circuits that, years ago, we only thought would be possible using digital platforms. This power supply's +12V rail demonstrates some of the tightest load regulation...

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2018-01-26 - PRIME 600 Fanless Titanium

Doch was noch viel wichtiger ist: Ja, das Prime Titanium Fanless 600W ist wirklich komplett lautlos Kein Spulenfiepen und keine elektronischen Geräusche sind hörbar.

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2018-01-24 - PRIME 600 Fanless Titanium

Sinn oder Unsinn eines passiv gekühlten Netzteils außen vor, gilt: Wer ein solches Modell haben möchte, bekommt mit dem Seasonic Prime 600W Titanium Fanless schlicht das beste, was der Markt zu bieten hat. Die Messwerte sind herausragend und 600 Watt mit 80 Titanium einzigartig.

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2018-01-22 - PRIME Ultra 1000 Titanium

Load regulation is class leading and as we would expect with a Seasonic design they have massively over specified the capacitors. We managed to get just over 300 watts more from the supply before it safely shut down. Ripple suppression and efficiency are both first rate, and technically the unit...

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2018-01-19 - PRIME Ultra 850 Platinum

Ripple suppression and overall efficiency are both stellar, and technically the unit didnt exhibit any problems during our week long series of tests. Its a power supply that is clearly going to last a long time, across a handful of potential system upgrades and changes. The industry leading 12 year...

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Relaxed Tech

2018-01-18 - FOCUS PLUS 750 Gold

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2018-01-17 - FOCUS 450 Gold

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Toasty Bros

2018-01-17 - FOCUS 550 Gold

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Relaxed Tech

2018-01-17 - FOCUS PLUS 850 Platinum

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2018-01-17 - FOCUS 550 Gold

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2018-01-17 - PRIME Ultra 650 Titanium

Ligesom på Fanless udgaven som vi testede HER, var PRIME Ultra Titanium klippestabil på alle tre linjer, selv under maksimal belastning. Dette kombineret med en utrolig støjsvag blæser som man knap nok bemærkede, selv når strømforsyningen blev belastet hårdt, gør at det er svært at få armene ned.

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2018-01-17 - PRIME 600 Fanless Titanium

Die Ausgangsspannungen des PRIME 600 W Titanium Fanless können mit einer exzellenten Regelung punkten und weisen nur sehr niedrige Ripple-Noisespannungen auf. Auch schafft es Seasonic wieder, die eigenen Marketing-Aussagen auf dem Prüfstand zu bestätigen.

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2018-01-15 - PRIME 600 Fanless Titanium

Nous voici arrivé au terme de ce test, que dire de la Seasonic Prime Titanium 600 Fanless? Vous l'aurez compris en lisant ce test Seasonic comme à son habitude propose une alimentation qui a vraiment tout pour elle. La qualité de fabrication est excellente, on sent que l'on est face...

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Relaxed Tech

2018-01-15 - FOCUS  650 Gold

The Seasonic Focus FM SSR-650FM has everything you can ask for in a high quality PSU such as a compact design, high warranty coverage, quiet fan, great packaging and it is certainly affordable..

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2018-01-15 - PRIME Ultra 750 Titanium

Should we talk about the insanely good voltage regulation that makes you look twice? How about the outstanding DC Output Quality matched by virtually none? Efficiency that is something we never would have thought possible a few years ago? Build quality that continues to set bars so high that pole...

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Designs By IFR

2018-01-12 - Snow Silent 750

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2018-01-11 - PRIME 600 Fanless Titanium

Mindst lige så imponerende er den ydelse som PRIME Titanium Fanless formår at levere samtidig. Det er længe siden vi har set en strømforsyning være så klippestabil i sine spændingsværdier som denne. Det lydløse design og lækre performance bliver også matchet på designsiden. Dette er minimalistisk over hele linjen, og...

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2018-01-08 - FOCUS 650 Gold

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Noticias3D nFinite 9000 S.L.

2018-01-07 - PRIME Ultra 850 Titanium

Robustez máxima, acabados de lujo, eficacia, resistencia, eficiencia... Todos son calificativos que se pueden aplicar prácticamente a cualquier fuente de Seasonic, y en particular a esta Prime Ultra, que alcanza una nueva cota de calidad y rendimiento, con las nuevas características y refinamientos de la serie Prime Ultra. Útil para...

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2018-01-06 - PRIME 600 Fanless Titanium

La SeaSonic Prime Titanium Fanless 600W es la fuente más extraordinaria que hemos tenido ocasión de analizar hasta la fecha. Su rendimiento es el más cercano a la perfección que pueda haber. La regulación de voltajes ofrece una estabilidad de entre el 1 y 2, lo cual es de otro...

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2018-01-05 - FOCUS PLUS 850 Platinum

Kao što možete vidjeti u priloženoj tablici, oba napajanja imaju iznimno stabilne napone, što je u neku ruku bilo i za očekivati od jedinica koje potpisuje Seasonic. Razlike u učinkovitosti su minimalne, što je u neku ruku i očekivano, s obzirom na specifikacije 80 PLUS certifikata koja napajanja zadovoljavaju.

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2018-01-04 - PRIME 600 Fanless Titanium

Zasilacz wypadł w testach bardzo dobrze. Wszystkie napięcia są bliskie tym idealnym oraz są bardzo stabilne. W Fanless nie piszczą cewki ani w spoczynku, ani pod obciążeniem. Generalnie nie dochodzą z niego żadne odgłosy. Odznaczenie 80 Plus Titanium sprawia, że pobór mocy jest najmniejszy ze wszystkich konstrukcji (tylko drugi zasilacz...

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MasterbitzOC Reviews and Testing

2018-01-03 - PRIME Ultra 1000 Titanium

...ya dentro del rendimiento vemos algo excelente por presentar una Certificacion Titanium y tambien las ya conocidad Certificaciones de Cybernetics ETA A y LAMBA A las cuales nos dan con seguridad que dicha Fuente de poder rinde como su fabricante lo menciona sin problema y con una Garantia de 12...

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2018-01-02 - PRIME 650 Titanium

El nuevo buque insignia de Seasonic en su versión de 650W ha superado nuestras mejores espectativas. Valiendose de una exquisita calidad, un inovativo e inteligente diseño y, como resultado, un soberbio rendimiento, ha puesto de manifiesto lo que su fantástico equipo de ingenieros ha sido capaz de crear. Estamos acostumbrados...

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2018-01-02 - PRIME Ultra 750 Titanium

Zasilacz wypadł znakomicie w testach. Napięcia na wszystkich liniach są bardzo dobre i bardzo stabilne nawet linia 12V tylko lekko drgnęła. Zasilacz pracuje także bardzo cicho zarówno przy włączonym trybie Hybrid jak i przy wyłączonym. Oczywiście w tym pierwszym przypadku Prime Ultra jest niesłyszalny dzięki trybowi półpasywnemu. Pobór mocy jest...

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2017-12-28 - PRIME 600 Fanless Titanium

El ruido es 0 en cualquier carga a la que sometamos a la fuente. Si tendremos que cuidar más las temperaturas en cargas muy altas de forma sostenida pero en un PC de uso normal, incluso de uso intensivo de juegos o programas potentes, no tendremos problema alguno de estabilidad...

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JP Modified

2017-12-27 - FOCUS 750 Gold

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Noticias3D nFinite 9000 S.L.

2017-12-27 - PRIME 600 Fanless Titanium

Nos queda claro que el que quiera una fuente sin ventilador activo es que busca el máximo silencio, y es lícito que, además, se persiga la máxima eficiencia. Antes este tipo de fuentes era imposible que lograran esto sin sacrificar potencia o un calor exagerado, pero no es el caso:...

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2017-12-25 - PRIME Ultra 1000 Titanium

Performance (40% of the final score) - there's nothing as easy to score as a Seasonic. First, the voltage regulation. Which... only averaged out at 0.16% in the hot box, which is way inside mythic level. No deduction there. Sadly, the full S&C point has to go away due to...

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Relaxed Tech

2017-12-24 - FOCUS PLUS 750 Gold

For those looking to build highly efficient systems in small footprints, the SSR-750FX is definitely one of the best PSUs you can buy at the moment. It has everything you can ask for in a high quality PSU and then some.

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2017-12-16 - FOCUS 650 Gold

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Hardware Canucks

2017-12-15 - PRIME Ultra 1000 Titanium

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Hardware Canucks

2017-12-15 - PRIME Ultra 1000 Titanium

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Tech Deals

2017-12-11 - M12II-620 EVO

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Tech Deals

2017-12-11 - PRIME Ultra 850 Platinum

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2017-12-05 - PRIME 600 Fanless Titanium

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2017-12-04 - PRIME 600 Fanless Titanium

Technically this unit is bulletproof load regulation is stellar, noise suppression is class leading and efficiency peaks at over 96 between 45-60 load. Its compact, doesnt produce any noise and is built to the highest standards, with 105c Japanese capacitors used throughout.

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2017-12-04 - PRIME Ultra 650 Titanium

Performance (40% of the final score) - Seasonic units about the easiest ones to score I know of, and today is no exception. Everything but the power on transient performance was completely flawless. One point comes off for that single issue, and there we stop. Regulation, efficiency, ripple... all of...

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2017-11-28 - FOCUS PLUS 750 Gold

Förutom riktigt bra elektrisk prestanda utmärker sig även enheten med tyst drift och ovanligt kompakta yttermått. Den sistnämnda parametern var något EVGA även satsade på med sina enheter i Supernova G3-serien, men här är det dock Seasonic som drar det längsta strået tack vare en vältrimmad fläktkurva.

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Toms Hardware

2017-11-28 - FOCUS PLUS 850 Gold

Seasonic offers high performance to the masses with its new Focus line, and it scores big points with aggressive pricing. Right now, you'll find lower-efficiency competitors with inferior build quality and fewer features at the same price points as Seasonic's Focus Plus Gold models. That makes picking these PSUs a...

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Singularity Computers

2017-11-25 - FOCUS PLUS 850 Platinum

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Singularity Computers

2017-11-25 - FOCUS 750 Gold

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Singularity Computers

2017-11-25 - FOCUS PLUS 850 Platinum

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2017-11-20 - FOCUS PLUS 850 Gold

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Nerd on a Budget

2017-11-20 - FOCUS PLUS 850 Gold

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2017-11-09 - FOCUS PLUS 850 Platinum

Mit dem Focus Plus Platinum 850W beweist Seasonic einmal mehr, warum sie zu den „Big Playern“ in der Netzteilbranche zählen. Für absolut faire 124 Euro bekommt man ein top Netzteil, das mit einer erstklassigen Technik, hochwertigen Bauteilen und einer langen Garantiezeit auftrumpft. Ebenfalls für unser Testmuster sprechen die zahlreichen Anschlussmöglichkeiten,...

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2017-11-07 - FOCUS PLUS 850 Gold

Seasonic je Focus Plus seriju napajanja namijenio korisnicima koji žele kvalitetu i snagu, no nemaju baš budžet za PRIME seriju. U najboljoj njihovoj tradiciji, iskoristili su znanje i dostupne tehnologije te kreirali seriju napajanja s Gold (i Platinum) efikasnosti u rasponu snaga od 550 do 850 W. Osim par manjih...

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PC Games Hardware

2017-11-06 - FOCUS PLUS 550 Gold

Mit dem Focus+ kann Seasonic Goldqualität für knapp 75 Euro anbieten, das sind knapp 20 Euro weniger, als für das PRIME Modell. Geboten wird von den Taiwanern eine exzellente Spannungsregulation, sehr gute Effizienzwerte und nahezu keine Restwelligkeit. Wirklich schön ist wieder zu sehen, dass selbst in der Preisklasse die Holdup...

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2017-10-27 - FOCUS PLUS 750 Gold

Seasonic Focus Plus 750 Gold kosztuje około 459 zł. Jest to konstrukcja w pełni modularna i całkiem nieźle wyglądająca. Posiada ona odznaczenie 80 Plus Gold i cechuje się cichą pracą. Warto tutaj zwrócić uwagę na przełącznik trybu hybrydowego i zwykłego. Jakość wykonania wnętrza jest świetna i wcale nie odstaje mocno...

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2017-10-26 - FOCUS PLUS 650 Gold

Konklusion Lad os samle tankerne og konkludere hvad vi har fundet ud af i den tid vi har haft Seasonic Focus Plus Gold 650 watt på testbænken. Seasonic er kendt for deres høje kvalitet hele vejen igennem deres produkter, og sans for detaljer. Focus Plus Gold er absolut ingen undtagelse....

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2017-10-26 - FOCUS PLUS 650 Platinum

Conclusion Au terme de ce test, on peut retenir que l'on a là un produit ayant des performances à toute épreuve, une stabilité excellente et des nuisances sonores bien contenues, également desservie par une très belle finition et un bundle fourni. La certification Platinum fait des miracles : cette Focus...

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Jojococo Studio

2017-10-26 - FOCUS PLUS 850 Gold

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2017-10-25 - FOCUS PLUS 850 Gold

Seasonic anche questa volta è riuscita nell'intento di realizzare un gioiello di alimentatore in un formato decisamente compatto per lo standard ATX. L’azienda con la nuova famiglia FOCUS Plus Gold, ha prodotto una linea di PSU di elevata qualità, che grazie all’ingombro totale ristretto, risulta anche indicata per essere installata...

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2017-10-24 - FOCUS PLUS 750 Gold

Conclusions Today's Seasonic FOCUS PLUS Gold 750W and FOCUS PLUS Platinum 750W mark the second and third units we have seen from Seasonic's FOCUS PLUS line (although this is the first time we have seen a FOCUS PLUS Platinum unit). In the previous outing, this mid-range product line gave us...

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2017-10-24 - FOCUS PLUS 750 Platinum

Conclusions Today's Seasonic FOCUS PLUS Gold 750W and FOCUS PLUS Platinum 750W mark the second and third units we have seen from Seasonic's FOCUS PLUS line (although this is the first time we have seen a FOCUS PLUS Platinum unit). In the previous outing, this mid-range product line gave us...

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Toms Hardware

2017-10-20 - FOCUS PLUS 750 Gold

The Seasonic FOCUS Gold 750W is a high performance PSU featuring super compact dimensions, a fully modular design and a selective semi-passive operation. All above can be yours at a very good price which doesnt exceed 100 bucks and the cherry on top is the ten-year warranty.

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Matthew Moniz

2017-10-17 - PRIME Ultra 1000 Titanium

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2017-10-17 - FOCUS PLUS 850 Gold

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Toasty Bros

2017-10-17 - FOCUS PLUS 850 Gold

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2017-10-17 - FOCUS PLUS 850 Gold

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2017-10-17 - FOCUS PLUS 850 Gold

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2017-10-16 - FOCUS PLUS 750 Gold

Dopo aver provato innumerevoli modelli targati Seasonic, tutti contraddistinti da una qualità all'apice delle rispettive categorie, ci troviamo di fronte ad una serie che, tutto sommato, ha accettato qualche compromesso in più. Su specifiche quali l'efficienza o la potenza nominale ovviamente non ci si può aspettare null'altro che sia diverso...

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2017-10-16 - FOCUS PLUS 850 Platinum

Dopo aver provato innumerevoli modelli targati Seasonic, tutti contraddistinti da una qualità all'apice delle rispettive categorie, ci troviamo di fronte ad una serie che, tutto sommato, ha accettato qualche compromesso in più. Su specifiche quali l'efficienza o la potenza nominale ovviamente non ci si può aspettare null'altro che sia diverso...

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Proto Mario

2017-10-16 - FOCUS PLUS 850 Gold

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2017-10-13 - FOCUS PLUS 750 Gold

Nous voici arrivé au terme de ce test, que dire de la Seasonic Focus Plus 750 Gold? Seasonic refait son milieu de gamme en mettant à la retraire une série G qui a fait son temps, et bien autant dire qu'il ne s'agit pas ici d'une simple mise à jour!...

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Uruguay OC

2017-10-13 - FOCUS PLUS 850 Gold

Felicitaciones Seasonic Otro producto de Calidad que la gente pide y nombra todo el tiempo. Cada día más Seasonic es la Fuente preferida por Gamers, Entusiastas y Overclockers. En mi opinión como Overclocker, Tester y Reviewer siempre estoy en la necesidad de Fuentes de Poder de más de 1200Watts. Sería...

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2017-10-11 - PRIME Ultra 1000 Titanium

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Designs By IFR

2017-10-11 - FOCUS PLUS 850 Gold

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2017-10-11 - FOCUS PLUS 850 Gold

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2017-10-11 - FOCUS PLUS 850 Gold

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Noticias3D nFinite 9000 S.L.

2017-10-09 - FOCUS PLUS 750 Gold

La serie FOCUS PLUS de Seasonic cubre un hueco: el de las fuentes de alimentación de gama media que se dirigen al gran público. Están a medio camino entre la simplicidad y el carácter no modular de las gamas de entrada, y los acabados y la robustez de las gamas...

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2017-10-08 - FOCUS PLUS 650 Gold

Angesichts der guten Leistungen, die das Seasonic Focus Plus Gold abliefert gepaart mit einem Kampfpreis von etwa 87 Euro, kann man sicher sein, dass dieses Netzteil den Markt ordentlich aufmischen wird. In Sachen Effizienz können sicherlich viele der Modelle, die ebenfalls auf Gold Niveau arbeiten mit dem Focus Plus Gold...

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2017-10-06 - FOCUS PLUS 750 Platinum

Seasonic 以 FOCUS Plus 系列打響新產品世代的序章價位低保固長還有 80 PLUS 金牌與白金的轉換效率以及全模組化線材市場上真的很難找到足以匹敵的對手因此這一系列自然成為近期組裝電腦的首選

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2017-10-02 - FOCUS PLUS 550 Gold

Over de prestaties van de Focus Plus Gold kunnen we kort zijn, die zijn namelijk uitstekend. De spanningsstabiliteit, efficiëntie, ripple en geluidsproductie zijn stuk voor stuk dik in orde bij deze nieuwe Seasonics. De ripple van de Focus Plus Gold is nét wat minder goed dan bij de RMx, maar...

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2017-09-26 - FOCUS PLUS 650 Gold

Positive Punkte bei dem Seasonic FOCUS Plus 650 Gold insgesamt gute 80PLUS-Gold-Effizienz gute Leistungsfähigkeit sehr stabile Ausgangsspannungen, niedrige Ripple-/Noise-Spannungen gute Ausstattung (voll-modulares Kabelmanagement, 4x PCI-Express) semipassiver Betrieb möglich, insgesamt angenehm leise qualitativ hochwertige Kondensatoren verbaut funktionierende Schutzschaltungen vorhanden zehn Jahre Herstellergarantie gutes Preis-/Leistungsverhältnis Negative Punkte bei dem Seasonic FOCUS Plus...

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2017-09-25 - FOCUS PLUS 650 Gold

Seasonic propose avec cette Focus Plus Gold 650W, une alimentation de qualité. Sa mécanique est capable de répondre à de multiples besoins en particulier en matière de gaming. Son équipement avec un ensemble de câbles modulaires facilite lintégration et le montage. Il est par contre dommage que lensemble de câbles...

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2017-09-22 - FOCUS PLUS 850 Gold

Seasonic may have been targeting the mainstream audience with their FOCUS Plus lineup, but the performance of this power supply allows it to fight alongside the best. According to our affiliates with professional load testing equipment, it delivers excellent output and efficiency. It may have lagged behind their flagship power...

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2017-09-22 - FOCUS PLUS 850 Gold

Die neue Einsteiger-Serie von Seasonic lässt sogar einige Mid- und High-End-Produkte alt aussehen. Das von uns getestete Focus Plus Gold 850W bietet eine einwandfreie Verarbeitungsqualität, sehr gute Technik (hochwertige Bauteile im Innenraum), sämtliche Schutzschaltungen und mehr als ausreichend Anschlussmöglichkeiten. Das Kühlkonzept gefällt in jeder (Test)Situation - selbst unter Volllast ist...

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2017-09-20 - FOCUS PLUS 550 Gold

Un modelo muy compacto, de las fuentes más compactas del mercado en formato ATX, pero con una eficiencia superior y manteniendo las mejores prestaciones de calidad de esta marca, como su sistema de doble PCB conectivo. Todo forma un gran conjunto, como la eficiencia en nuestras pruebas, o la estabilidad...

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2017-09-19 - PRIME 1200 Gold

Astazi am avut pe bancul de test o sursa cu adevarat remarcabila, una ale carei performante vor fi greu de batut mult timp de acum incolo. O variatie mai mica de 0.2 pe linia de 12v, precum si rezerva de putere de peste 35, sunt caracteristici pe care nu le...

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2017-09-19 - FOCUS PLUS 750 Gold

Rien à dire ou redire sur ce nouveau bloc, qui est en plus accessible. On peut donc dire de lui quil a toutes les qualités et une énorme garantie de 10 ans. Bref, du très très bon à très très bon prix.

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2017-09-19 - PRIME 650 Platinum

Pauls Thoughts: So today, we have the PRIME 650W Platinum up for review and it plays a lot like the old line fifth verse same as the first. Ok, maybe you shouldnt quote me on that as that may not be how that line goes exactly. However, with this being...

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2017-09-18 - FOCUS PLUS 850 Gold

Performance (40% of the final score) - this is going to be a cakewalk for Seasonic. We were promised tight 3% voltage regulation by the box, and we got mythic level instead with an average of 0.32% in the hot box. No points lost for that. Power on spike testing...

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Enlace Hardware

2017-09-15 - FOCUS PLUS 850 Platinum

La Seasonic Focus Plus 850W Platinum es una unidad sencillamente, excelente, la cual presume un diseño moderno, y unas prestaciones que uno suele ver en fuentes de poder de gama alta. Su rendimiento es excepcional y ni hablar del nivel de ruido operacional, el cual es mínimo, al grado de...

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PC Perspective

2017-09-13 - FOCUS PLUS 550 Platinum

Seasonic’s new FOCUS Plus series is a refresh of their mainstream power supply lineup. The FOCUS+ Gold and Platinum series will eventually replace several of Seasonic’s popular G and S12G series power supplies. During our testing the FOCUS Plus 550W Platinum power supply delivered excellent voltage regulation, excellent AC ripple...

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2017-08-30 - FOCUS PLUS 850 Gold

Technically, the FOCUS PLUS Gold is rock solid. Noise suppression is worthy of another mention, and the efficiency levels are high, easily achieving 80 Plus Gold certification. Voltage regulation is another plus point without any hitches in the delivery we can mention. KItGuru says: The Seasonic FOCUS PLUS Gold 850W...

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2017-08-23 - PRIME 1000 Gold

Conclusions Lately, Seasonic has been on a roll with their PRIME series of power supplies. These units have come to us previously in two flavors; Titanium and Platinum. Both of which have been just outstanding product lines so far. Today though, we are moving down to Seasonics PRIME Gold line...

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Enlace Hardware

2017-08-22 - FOCUS PLUS 850 Gold

Los esfuerzos de Seasonic por ofrecer productos de gran calidad a los gamers y entusiastas de PC han mantenido a la marca en la cima del mercado de fuentes de poder durante mucho tiempo. Si hablamos de la fuente de poder Focus Plus 850W Gold no es la excepción, su...

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2017-08-21 - FOCUS PLUS 550 Gold

Performance (40 of the final score) - scoring time again, and this will turn out the same way the 750W model did. Voltage regulation was absolutely jaw dropping at 0.3 average in the hot box, so no points come off there. The S&C point is safe, because none of the...

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PCWizKids Tech Talk

2017-08-09 - FOCUS 650 Gold

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MasterbitzOC Reviews and Testing

2017-08-03 - FOCUS PLUS 550 Gold

Desde su empaque hasta la Fuente contamos con detalles únicos, pero también algo interesante que resalta la diferencia es su forma bien compacta que Seasonic implemento en ese producto eso sí que llama la atención que hasta nosotros quedamos sorprendidos ya que maneja bien las temperaturas, pero como sabrán siempre...

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MasterbitzOC Reviews and Testing

2017-08-03 - FOCUS PLUS 550 Gold

La Seasonic Focus 550W Gold es un producto de muy buena calidad para cualquier usuario que decida escoger este producto de tal forma contara con lo necesario para brindar energía eficiente en su equipo. Desde su empaque hasta la Fuente contamos con detalles únicos, pero también algo interesante que resalta...

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2017-07-31 - PRIME 850 Platinum

Performance (40 of the final score) - this unit had some ups and downs today. While the cold testing results raised considerable doubt wed end up with the regulation the box promised, the unit delivered where it counted and pulled down an impressive average of 34 in the hot box....

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Tech Deals

2017-07-21 - FOCUS 550 Gold

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2017-07-11 - FOCUS PLUS 850 Gold

Conclusions Obviously, the Seasonic FOCUS PLUS Gold 850W is not the first Seasonic power supply we have seen. In fact, it is not even the first 850W unit we have seen recently However, it is one of a smaller group of units we have seen from Seasonic that is meant...

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2017-07-10 - FOCUS PLUS 750 Gold

Performance (40 of the final score) - were on the homestretch. As Ive come to expect from Seasonic units, the performance of this one was plenty impressive. We were promised average regulation and got mythic instead, so no deductions there. Ripple control was excellent on the 12V and mind blowing...

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PC Perspective

2017-07-03 - FOCUS PLUS 650 Gold

The FOCUS PLUS Gold (FX) series is a refresh of Seasonics mainstream power supply lineup. The FOCUS PLUS and FOCUS series will eventually replace several of Seasonics popular G and S12G series power supplies. During our testing the FOCUS PLUS 650W Gold power supply delivered excellent voltage regulation, excellent AC...

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MasterbitzOC Reviews and Testing

2017-06-26 - Snow Silent 1050

Es, sin embargo, el rendimiento superior incorporado en esta unidad que realmente lo lleva a un nivel superior. Los clientes que quieran construir una computadora de juegos, home theater o de oficina tranquila estarán encantados con las características avanzadas de esta fuente de alimentación totalmente modular, certificada Platinum 80 PLUS...

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2017-06-23 - P-760

Alleine die 7 Jahre Herstellergarantie haben uns schon davon überzeugt, dass es sich bei dem Seasonic Platinum 760W um ein hochwertiges, performantes Netzteil handeln muss, das selbst härtesten Belastungen stand hält. Die zahlreichen Anschlusskabel sowie die Möglichkeit bei Teillast eine Hybrid-Lüfterfunktion zu aktivieren erledigt dann ihr Übriges. Die Verarbeitung der...

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MasterbitzOC Reviews and Testing

2017-06-18 - Platinum 660

El miembro más popular de la línea de productos Seasonic Platinum es bien conocido por su estabilidad y rendimiento confiable.

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2017-06-14 - PRIME 650 Platinum

Ovo je Platinum napajanje jedno od najboljih koje smo do sada imali prilike testirati. U svakom je pogledu na najvišem nivou. U baš svakom je testu postiglo visoke rezultate koji ga svrstavaju među najbolje komade hardvera koje smo do sada testirali. Najviše fascinira efikasnost i stegnuta regulacija napona. Kabeli su...

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MasterbitzOC Reviews and Testing

2017-06-13 - X-750

Seasonic nos ha presentado un excelente producto el cual nos dan una autonomia muy buena, tanto en su presentacion como en su desempeño, de parte de la Comunidad Masterbitz Reviews recomendamos el Modelo de la Serie X como un producto el cual puedan escoger para sus ensambles de equipos asi...

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2017-06-13 - PRIME 1000 Platinum

Los resultados son, como siempre que probamos una fuente Seasonic, espectaculares. Es una marca que nunca falla y que fabrica las mejores fuentes del mercado. Este no es su modelo más espectacular, esos son ahora los modelos Titanium, pero sin duda es una fuente de ensueño a la que podríamos...

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2017-06-13 - PRIME 850 Platinum

Conclusion: Seasonic has been one of the most prolific brands we have seen over the years in our reviews. Seasonic has also been one of the best and most consistent brands we have seen in our reviews as well. In fact, Sesonic has given us perhaps the best power supply...

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MasterbitzOC Reviews and Testing

2017-06-09 - PRIME 850 Titanium

Como hemos visto en las imagenes la Seasonic Prime 850W Titanium es una excelente compra para el gamer o el overclocker que desea fidelidad en la entrega de energia...

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2017-06-03 - PRIME 850 Platinum

Bedenkenlos können wir auch dem Seasonic Prime Platinum 850W eine klare Empfehlung aussprechen. Wie gehabt überzeugt die Technik in Form von hochwertigen Bauteilen und einer modernen DC-DC-Technologie. Ebenfalls mit von der Partie sind sämtliche Schutzschaltungen, das sehr leise Semi-Passiv-Kühlkonzept, die erstklassigen Messwerte und das durchdachte Kabelmanagement (Länge, Menge der Anschlüsse)....

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2017-05-29 - PRIME 1000 Platinum

Performance (40 of the final score) - we come down to yet another scoring page. And this will be easy, as it is for all Seasonic builds lately. Efficiency was a solid Platinum both cold and hot, so no deductions there. Voltage regulation averaged 0.31 in the hot box, so...

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2017-05-26 - PRIME 750 Platinum

Seasonic Prime Platinum 750W a reusit sa demonstreze in testul de astazi ca este demn sa poarte numele Prime, rezervat modelelor de varf ale producatorului taiwanez.

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PC Perspective

2017-05-18 - PRIME 1200 Gold

Seasonics new PRIME Gold Series hits the sweet spot for a great balance of high quality components and high performance operation at a very attractive price point. Top that off with a 12-year warranty and who wouldnt be impressed. The overall electrical performance is excellent with tight voltage regulation (1...

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MasterbitzOC Reviews and Testing

2017-05-14 - Platinum 860

La fuente de poder Seasonic Platinum 860W es sin duda un producto excelente tanto en su diseño y su poder, creo o mejor dicho convencido de la calidad del producto seasonic no es por ello que llevan tanto en el mercado ya que su producto son de la mejor calidad...

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2017-05-08 - Snow Silent 750

Seasonic Snow Silent 750 to świetna konstrukcja. Wygląda ona znakomicie i wydaje się być podstawowym wyborem do białych obudów. Posiada ona w pełni modularne okablowanie (choć szkoda, że i one nie jest białe), półpasywny tryb pracy (który można przełączyć na normalny wadą jest położenie przełącznika), świetne wnętrze, ogromną sprawność oraz...

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2017-05-04 - PRIME 1000 Platinum

Dopo aver toccato con mano la qualità e le eccellenti prestazioni raggiunte dal nuovo progetto introdotto con la serie PRIME Titanium nellestate 2016, Seasonic ci ha dato lopportunità di verificare come tali miglioramenti siano stati sapientemente trasferiti ai modelli con certificazione di efficienza più bassa. Il PRIME 1000W Platinum ed...

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2017-05-04 - PRIME 850 Gold

Dopo aver toccato con mano la qualità e le eccellenti prestazioni raggiunte dal nuovo progetto introdotto con la serie PRIME Titanium nellestate 2016, Seasonic ci ha dato lopportunità di verificare come tali miglioramenti siano stati sapientemente trasferiti ai modelli con certificazione di efficienza più bassa. Il PRIME 1000W Platinum ed...

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2017-04-28 - PRIME 1200 Gold

Comme on en a lhabitude avec Seasonic, nous sommes face à un excellent bloc dalimentation. Ce dernier propose une finition sans faille, une bonne connectique, des câbles entièrement modulaires, un ventilateur semi-passif qui est inaudible ou très silencieux, des excellentes tensions avec des varaitions minimes et une consommation qui est...

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Noticias3D nFinite 9000 S.L.

2017-04-24 - PRIME 1000 Gold

Otro buen trabajo de Seasonic en todos los sentidos. Es cierto que si comparamos esta Prime Gold con las Prime Titanium vemos que no es tan eficiente, pero la diferencia es bastante ridícula, y puede que salvar el precio sea el elemento realmente diferenciador. Nuestras pruebas así lo han demostrado,...

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2017-04-24 - PRIME 650 Platinum

Performance (40 of the final score) - lets wrap this up real quick. Seasonic once again owns this section. Well... nearly owns. The only deduction I plan to make is half of the S&C point due to the 12V power up behavior. Otherwise, voltage regulation was nothing short of miraculous,...

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2017-04-20 - PRIME 850 Gold

The Seasonic Prime 850W Gold is one of the best Power Supplies released this year, due to its performance and silence operation with the inclusion of the semi-passive Hybrid mode. The Prime series feature a new platform and the 80 PLUS Gold, Platinum and Titanium certifications are a statement of...

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2017-04-13 - PRIME 1000 Gold

While many companies are still releasing Bronze rated power supplies, Seasonic PRIME is focused on higher grade Titanium, Platinum, and now Gold rated units. As we had expected, the Seasonic PRIME 1000W Gold power supply delivers very high quality power and technically there is very little to fault. The quality...

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2017-04-07 - PRIME 650 Titanium

In this review we had a look at Seasonics latest top series, the PRIME Titanium 650W, 750W and 850W PSUs. They are not the most powerful models on the market designed for quad-GPU beats, but they are the technologically best units that Seasonic is currently offering to consumers. It is...

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2017-04-05 - PRIME 650 Platinum

The Seasonic PRIME 650W Platinum is another fantastic power supply from a company who can do very little wrong in recent years. The build quality is exemplary and technically it is difficult to find fault with this unit. Load regulation is stellar and the power supply exhibited no issues when...

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Noticias3D nFinite 9000 S.L.

2017-04-04 - PRIME 1200 Platinum

!! NOTE: All in One 650 to 1200W - Non Tech Review !! Qué decir de las fuentes de alimentación Seasonic Con las Titanium salimos contentos, y las Platinum vuelven a cumplir. La diferencia en eficiencia eléctrica respecto a aquéllas es casi invisible, con lo que prácticamente estamos ante las...

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2017-04-04 - PRIME 1200 Gold

Auch mit dem Prime Gold 1200W liefert Seasonic ein exzellentes High-End Netzteil ab. Mittlerweile ist der Hersteller so überzeugt von seiner hauseigenen Qualität, dass die Garantiezeit von 10 auf 12 Jahren verlängert wurde. Nach wie vor überzeugt der Innenraum mit hochwertigen Bauteilen und einer modernen DC-DC-Technologie. Weitere Kaufgründe sind schnell...

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Overclocking Made In France

2017-04-02 - PRIME 1000 Platinum

La marque Seasonic jouit depuis des années dune excellente réputation dans lunivers de lalimentation. À chaque sortie de nouvelle référence, cest un nouveau défi à relever afin dasseoir la notoriété du constructeur. La gamme Prime najoute pas réellement de nouveautés, mise à part un agencement interne revue comme on en...

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2017-03-31 - PRIME 650 Gold

Ces Prime 650W Gold et 850W Platinum proposent des prestations haut de gamme. Leur bundle est complet et léquipement intéressant. Leur rendement permet de faire la chasse au gaspillage et leurs deux modes de refroidissement favorisent le silence au travers du semi-fanless. A cela sajoute des tensions stables et une...

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2017-03-31 - PRIME 850 Platinum

Ces Prime 650W Gold et 850W Platinum proposent des prestations haut de gamme. Leur bundle est complet et léquipement intéressant. Leur rendement permet de faire la chasse au gaspillage et leurs deux modes de refroidissement favorisent le silence au travers du semi-fanless. A cela sajoute des tensions stables et une...

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2017-03-30 - PRIME 750 Gold

Ormai siamo abituati agli straordinari prodotti di Seasonic, grazie alla stretta collaborazione che si è creata nel corso del tempo. Dopo aver testato e recensito modelli top di gamma, come gli ultimi PRIME Titanium e gli Snow Silent, ci siamo chiesti se era possibile avere un prodotto destinato ad una...

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2017-03-29 - PRIME 850 Platinum

The Seasonic PRIME 850W Platinum is another great power supply from the company and one that strengthens the new range of Platinum units. It performs at the highest level and exhibits no weaknesses. Technically it is difficult to find fault. While we have already reviewed 1000 watt and 1200 watt...

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2017-03-27 - PRIME 1200 Platinum

Summary Seasonic equals winning. What else do you want me to say, here The Good: mythic voltage stability excellent ripple control very high low load efficiency above average standby efficiency high build quality long warranty The Bad: PCIe cable wire gauge is too thin for one cable to handle high...

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2017-03-26 - PRIME 850 Gold

La version Gold de la Prime reste une bonne alternative aux versions Platinium et Titanium de la gamme surtout quant on voit le tarif de ces dernières. Cependant la concurrence reste présente sur ce secteur Les points positifs Look Finition 100 modulaire Interrupteur Mode Hybride Silence Stabilité des tensions Élaboration...

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2017-03-22 - PRIME 1200 Platinum

The Seasonic PRIME 1200W Platinum is another fantastic power supply in their latest range of high capacity units. It is just as good as the 1000 watt model that we reviewed last week and will target the high end audience building a powerful gaming system. It is true most gaming...

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2017-03-20 - PRIME 750 Gold

Zasilacz aktualnie kosztuje około 750 zł. Jest to najdroższy 750 W zasilacz z odznaczeniem 80 Plus Gold. Za tą cenę otrzymamy sprzęt od konkurencji z odznaczeniem Platinum. Jednakże jest to też idealny sprzęt. Posiada on w pełni modularne okablowanie, przyjemny design, aż 12 lat gwarancji, dobre napięcia oraz rewelacyjna kulturę...

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2017-03-14 - PRIME Platinum 1000

The Seasonic PRIME 1000W Platinum power supply is clearly another success story for the company. The quality of the power delivery is exceptionally high and this unit exhibited no weaknesses at all in during our testing. While efficiency is obviously down over the Titanium PRIME units that we reviewed last...

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2017-01-20 - PRIME 750 Titanium

Con la recensione di oggi abbiamo avuto loccasione di provare gli ultimi due modelli appartenenti alla nuova serie PRIME che ha consentito a Seasonic di raggiungere il massimo livello defficienza ad oggi proponibile. Le migliorie ovviamente non si sono limitate al raggiungimento della certificazione 80Plus Titanium, ma hanno interessato tutte...

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2017-01-20 - PRIME 850 Titanium

Con la recensione di oggi abbiamo avuto loccasione di provare gli ultimi due modelli appartenenti alla nuova serie PRIME che ha consentito a Seasonic di raggiungere il massimo livello defficienza ad oggi proponibile. Le migliorie ovviamente non si sono limitate al raggiungimento della certificazione 80Plus Titanium, ma hanno interessato tutte...

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Relaxed Tech

2017-01-18 - FOCUS 650 Gold

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PC Perspective

2017-01-17 - PRIME 650 Titanium

Strengths: 650W, 750W or 850W continuous DC output Ultra-high efficiency, 80 PLUS Titanium certified Micro-Tolerance Load Regulation (MTLR) Top-quality 135mm Fluid Dynamic Bearing fan Premium Hybrid Fan Control (allows fanless operation at low power) Superior AC ripple and noise suppression (under 20 mV) Extended Hold-up time (above 30 ms) Fully...

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PC Perspective

2017-01-17 - PRIME 850 Titanium

Strengths: 650W, 750W or 850W continuous DC output Ultra-high efficiency, 80 PLUS Titanium certified Micro-Tolerance Load Regulation (MTLR) Top-quality 135mm Fluid Dynamic Bearing fan Premium Hybrid Fan Control (allows fanless operation at low power) Superior AC ripple and noise suppression (under 20 mV) Extended Hold-up time (above 30 ms) Fully...

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Blackwhite TV

2017-01-05 - PRIME 650 Titanium

Seasonic PRIME 650W 80 PLUS TITANIUM - Test zasilacza za prawie 1000 złotych

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2017-01-02 - PRIME 650 Titanium

Auch das 650-Watt-Modell aus der neuen „Prime Titanium“ Serie von Seasonic hinterlässt einen hervorragenden Eindruck in unserer Redaktion. Erneut bekommen wir eine spitzen Technik, hochwertige Bauteile und eine saubere Verarbeitungsqualität zu Gesicht. Für den Kauf sprechen auch das moderne DC-DC-Design, das Vorhandensein sämtlicher Schutzschaltungen, der sehr hohe Wirkungsgrad und das...

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Noticias3D nFinite 9000 S.L.

2016-12-13 - PRIME 850 Titanium

Está claro que la eficiencia eléctrica es la principal baza de la serie Prime, en especial de la Titanium, pues esa certificación asegura un alto porcentaje de eficiencia en muchos escenarios. De hecho, ya en la página oficial de 80 PLUS, las pruebas internas dejan clara esta verdad: el modelo...

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2016-12-12 - PRIME 850 Titanium

With the Prime Titanium 850W Seasonic released an absolute high-end power supply. There is a costly AC filtering stage, an extremely high end fan, and the massive use of Japanese capacitors, which - amongst other parts - add up to a great product.

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2016-11-25 - PRIME 750 Titanium

Nous voici arrivé au terme de ce test, que dire de la Seasonic Prime Titanium 750 Seasonic met longtemps à sortir de nouveaux modèles, mais à chaque fois ils arrivent à enfoncer le clou, et sont à lorigine de pas mal de nouveautés reprises ensuite par les concurrents (comme le...

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2016-11-15 - PRIME 850 Titanium

Seasonic Prime 850W, jak przystało na topowy produkt, oferuje najwyższy poziom wykonania. Zastosowana modułowa konstrukcja, porządkuje wnętrze ułatwiając cyrkulację powietrza oraz poprawiając funkcjonowanie zasilacza. Technicznie trudno jest znaleźć coś do zarzucenia. Pełna modułowa konstrukcja i bardzo niski poziom hałasu z pewnością będą odpowiadały odbiorcom.

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Toms Hardware

2016-11-09 - PRIME 850 Titanium

Seasonic is making quite an impression with its new Prime units. Previously, Super Flowers dominance in the 80 PLUS Titanium category was unrivaled, and everyone wondered why Seasonic wasnt doing anything about it. The fact is, though, that Super Flowers Leadex platform is one of the best, making it difficult...

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2016-11-08 - PRIME 750 Titanium

We finally have a new platform from Seasonic who took its time before entering the Titanium efficiency club where Super Flower had thus far dominated the field. As it seems, Super Flowers domination has come to an end since the Prime platform is super, offering better performance in almost every...

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2016-11-08 - PRIME 650 Titanium

Das Prime Titanium 650 ist ab etwa 180 Euro zu bekommen (Caseking, Amazon), das sind gut 30-40 Euro mehr, als man für die meisten Platinum-Netzteile bezahlt. Das ist ein durchaus stolzer Preis, man bekommt allerdings auch viel dafür. Rein aus Sicht der Effizienz wird man den Mehrpreis für ein Titanium...

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2016-11-06 - PRIME 850 Titanium

Positive Punkte bei dem Seasonic PRIME 850W Titanium außergewöhnlich hoher Wirkungsgrad (80PLUS Titanium) lautloser bis sehr leiser Betrieb (Semi-Fanless) sehr hohe Leistungsfähigkeit sehr gute Lastregulierung und sehr niedrige Ripple-Noise-Spannungen gute Schutzschaltungen voll-modulares Kabelmanagement und sehr gute Ausstattung (6x PCI-Express, 10x SATA) 10 Jahre Herstellergarantie Negative Punkte bei dem Seasonic PRIME...

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2016-10-31 - PRIME 650 Titanium

Performance (40 of the final score) - the Prime 650W model managed to do something I thought was impossible - improve on the mind blowing regulation I had with my 850W unit. No points will be removed for stability. No points will be removed for the efficiency, either, because that...

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2016-10-26 - PRIME 750 Titanium

Nous voilà donc au terme de cette review et inutile de vous dire à quel point limpression sur ce produit est positive. Nous sommes en présence dune alimentation vraiment exceptionnelle, du fait de sa certification 80 Titanium la consommation est parfaitement maitrisée et fournit théoriquement 94 defficacité à 50 de...

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2016-10-18 - PRIME 850 Titanium

依據測試結果海韻將電腦用電源供應器又往上推了一個標準對其它廠商來說造成不小的壓力畢竟高品質電源供應器無法以堆料達成還需輔以良好的電路設計以本款本系列來說輸出端直接和模組化插座電路連接降低路徑損失選用直徑 135mm 和液態軸承的風扇NTC 湧浪保護使用繼電器加強頻繁啟閉的安全性和提升整體效率Hold-up Time 更提升至 30ms 以上

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2016-10-17 - PRIME 750 Titanium

In generale siamo rimasti sbalorditi da questo PRIME Titanium 750W. Ci ha sicuramente sorpreso per la componentistica sovradimensionata e di ottima fattura, per lelevata qualità dei materiali, per la ricercatezza e la bellezza estetica ed infine per lestrema silenziosità in utilizzo. Riteniamo il prezzo di vendita di circa 200 Iva...

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2016-10-12 - PRIME 850 Titanium

Sursa testata astazi are tot ce v-ati putea dori: 10 ani garantie, cea mai inalta eficienta de pe piata (80PLUS Titanium), performanta impecabile cu ripple sub 20mv garantat din fabrica si voltaje stabile, silentiozitate la cel mai inalt nivel datorita functionarii fanless in conditii de utilizare normale, rezerva de putere...

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2016-10-11 - PRIME 650 Titanium

Résumé : La Prime Titanium 650 Watts fait partie des meilleures alimentations du marché. Facturée 200 , elle a pour elle de beaux arguments avec un rendement diablement efficace, deux modes de refroidissement dont du semi-fanless pertinent et des tensions stables. Tout ceci saccompagne dun bundle riche, dune gestion 100...

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Enlace Hardware

2016-10-11 - PRIME 750 Titanium

Francamente es difícil de encontrar alguna imperfección en la Seasonic Prime 750W, porque definitivamente desde nuestro punto de vista, no existe. Si comenzamos analizando desde lo más superficial, observamos una apariencia seductora sin caer en lo absurdo, lo que es un aspecto rara vez visto en fuentes de poder, ya...

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MYC Media

2016-10-11 - Snow Silent 750

Mit dem Snow Silent 750 hat Seasonic ein sehr hochwertiges Netzteil in seinem Sortiment, welches durch seine schneeweiße Farbgebung mit einem besonderen Design daher kommt. Hierdurch eignet sich das Netzteil auch für Casemodder, welche sich einen weißen Casemod aufbauen wollen und auf eine hochwertige Stromquelle setzen wollen. Seasonic hat bei...

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Nordic Hardware

2016-10-07 - PRIME 650 Titanium

Spänningsregleringen är i toppklass och rippelvärdena hålls på en riktigt låg nivå. Inuti nätaggregatet finns det ingenting att klaga på, alla komponenter är av mycket hög kvalitet. Som pricken över i har Seasonic förtroende att ge Prime-serien en garanti på hela 10 år. The voltage regulation is top notch and...

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2016-10-03 - PRIME 850 Titanium

From the PRIME 850Ws outstanding built quality and design, to the voltage regulation that is something so devastating you just dont see things like that done in polite company, to the DC Output Quality that makes your head spin the competition didnt have a chance. It was like someone fielded...

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2016-10-03 - PRIME 850 Titanium

Nach einer kürzeren Pause meldet sich Seasonic mit einem Paukenschlag zurück. Das neue Prime Titanium kann man bedenkenlos als High-End bezeichnen. Bereits die lange Garantiezeit von 10 Jahren macht klar, dass bei dieser Netzteilserie viel Wert auf Qualität und Technik gelegt wurden. Der Innenraum glänzt mit hochwertigen Bauteilen und einem...

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2016-09-19 - PRIME 850 Titanium

This is to date the most stable power supply I have ever tested. By far. It gave me beyond mythic regulation to the point I might have to buy a new meter to quantify stability in anything else like it, ripple control was insanely good, and the unit was pushing...

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2016-09-15 - PRIME 850 Titanium

PRIME 850 W Titanium je svakako najbolje napajanje koje smo imali prilike ovako detaljno testirati. Uz to, i najskuplje po Wattu snage, no o tome ćemo na kraju. PRIME platforma je napravljena tako da bude izvrsna i to se vidi i po obećanjima koje proizvođač navodi, ali i po mjerenjima...

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2016-09-14 - PRIME 650 Titanium

Prime är ett flaggskepp i ordets rätta bemärkelse, där allt ifrån spänningsreglering till rippelvärden håller absolut toppklass. Detsamma kan även sägas om enhetens verkningsgrad, som ligger på rekordhög nivå, och långt innanför sin 80 Plus Titanium-certifiering. Den höga verkningsgraden skapar även perfekta förutsättningar för ett tyst och svalt aggregat, där...

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2016-09-12 - PRIME 850 Titanium

En esta generación Seasonic profundiza en lograr las certificaciones de eficiencia más exigentes, en cumplir y superar los estándares más duros y en ofrecer las potencias y formatos que los usuarios necesitamos. Este modelo, sin duda, es una forma de reivindicarse como el mejor fabricante de fuentes del mercado. Translation:...

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Toms Hardware

2016-09-08 - PRIME 650 Titanium

The new Seasonic Titanium platform is awesome The 650 W Prime model offers amazing performance in all areas and super high efficiency. Hands down this is the best 650 W unit money can buy today and on top of that it is dead silent, even under worst case scenarios.

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2016-08-26 - PRIME Titanium 850

Encore une fois, ce nouveau bloc de la marque Seasonic montre tout le savoir faire de cette société en terme dalimentation et on comprend encore une fois pourquoi autant dacteurs du marché se fournissent chez eux. Avec cette Prime, Seasonic nous propose une alimentation qui est bien faite, qui présente...

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2016-08-24 - PRIME 650 Titanium

Seasonic have spared no expense in the design of the Titanium Prime. They have created a cable free connection design with a copper plate connecting the main PCB to the back panel for increased reliability and enhanced performance. They have adopted high grade Nippon Chemi Con 105c rated capacitors in...

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PC Perspective

2016-08-19 - PRIME 750 Titanium

Seasonics new PRIME 750W Titanium power supply excelled in every way during our testing. We opened this review by stating that the Prime 750W Titanium is the best power supply we have tested to date.

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2016-08-18 - PRIME 850 Titanium

Technically it is difficult to find anything to fault. The Titanium rated power supply excels in load regulation and ripple suppression, hitting a top 2 of units we have tested in the last year. Power delivery is stellar we were able to hold close to a 1000 watt load for...

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2016-08-15 - PRIME 750 Titanium

The Good: amazing voltage regulation fantastic build quality amazing ripple suppression semi-fanless mode fully modular ten year warranty you know, I could go on for hours on this one... The Bad: yeah, right The Mediocre: not happening

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2016-08-03 - PRIME 650 Titanium

Le prestazioni elettriche, sia ben chiaro, sono da ritenersi quanto di meglio possa offrire attualmente il mercato per la fascia di appartenenza ed i 10 anni di garanzia testimoniano quanto Seasonic abbia lavorato per offrire agli acquirenti delle unità instancabili, capaci di funzionare stabilmente al massimo anche in ambienti molto...

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2016-07-21 - PRIME 750 Titanium

In fact, the PRIME 750W did so well that calling it a great power supply might just be an insult. When a unit shows up with voltage regulation matched by maybe one or two units, DC Output Quality matched by virtually none, efficiency that is as good as it gets...

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2016-07-21 - PRIME 750 Titanium

Ein weiterer Bereich, in dem uns das PRIME 750W Titanium überrascht hat, ist der leise wenn nicht fast lautlose Betrieb. Die umstellbare Lüftersteuerung bietet neben einem Aktiv- auch wieder den Semi-Passiv-Modus, d.h. hier springt der Lüfter erst bei ca. 50 Prozent Last an. Vorher arbeitet das Netzteil lautlos und auch...

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Hardware Info

2016-07-21 - PRIME 650 Titanium

Seasonics voedingen vormden lange tijd de top van de markt als het op kwaliteit aankwam, maar door de inhaalslag die de concurrentie heeft gemaakt, kon het bestaande assortiment zich minder goed op dat vlak onderscheiden. Met de Prime Titanium-serie is de fabrikant weer volledig bij de tijd. Het heeft bij...

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2016-07-21 - PRIME 750 Titanium

Kitguru says: The Seasonic Prime 750W is a class leading power supply backed up with a 10 year warranty. It is a quiet and technically stellar unit which reinforces Seasonics reputation as the market leader. The PRIME Titanium 750W is already setting itself up as a key contender for power...

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MYC Media

2014-09-12 - Platinum 860

Bei dem SS-860XP² handelt es sich um ein sehr hochwertiges Netzteil, welches im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen Netzteilen, welche in dieser Leistungsklasse angesiedelt sind, eher schlicht ausfällt. Seasonic setzt bei dem SS-860XP² eher auf die inneren als die äußeren Werte, wodurch das Wabengitter oberhalb des Lüfters das einzige auffällige Designelement...

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